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Everything posted by dmagicglock

  1. ordered two batman suits.... One for track use only The second one for every other day of the year for the rest of my life
  2. I'd like to impregnate jessica white! meow!
  3. prejudice |ˈprejədəs| noun 1 preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience racism |ˈrāˌsizəm| noun the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. I don't think if you have prejudice against a particular group based on scientific data and your personal experiences correlate with that, so long as you don't think your race is superior due to such data and experience, that you're automatically racist. good example: Pakistani people love curry food... that doesn't make me a racist, thats an honest observation that applies to a large majority of Pakistanis.
  4. understandable... looks like the Senate is a little slow when they say they "release" a bill that means someone made a hard copy of it and its not loaded on the website... these 70 year old guys aren't too tech savvy
  5. http://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/ssb/v64n4/v64n4p1.html looks like his observations are factually correct... at least according to the social security administration
  6. its not up on library of congress or senate website yet... here's what your favorite website huffington post had to say http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/09/16/health-care-bill-baucus-s_n_288218.html some highlights of the article... People insured through large employers would not see major changes, but some of their health care benefits would be nicked to help pay for the cost of the plan. The Baucus proposal would limit to $2,000 a year the amount people can contribute to flexible spending accounts, which are used to cover copayments and deductibles not paid by their employers. That provision would raise $16.5 billion over 10 years. Everyone covered through an employer would learn the full costs of their health benefits, which starting next year would be reported on employees' W-2 tax forms. Although family coverage averages about $13,000 a year most workers don't know how much their employer is paying. Not carrying insurance could result in a steep fine, as much as $3,800 per family, or $950 for an individual. People who can't afford their premiums would be exempted from the fine. The plan proposes a $6 billion annual fee on health insurance providers, which would recoup some of the profits the companies expect to make from millions of new taxpayer-subsidized customers. Unlike the health care bill written by majority Democrats in the House, which permanently rolls back scheduled cuts in Medicare payments to doctors, the Baucus plan only suspends the reductions for one year. That trims more than $100 billion from the cost of the bill, but has already led to criticism from the American Medical Association. The legislation makes no changes in medical malpractice laws. It does incorporate Obama's call for federal funds for state experiments on alternatives to malpractice lawsuits.
  7. so Baucus released his bill today and I'm just curious as to what everyone's feelings are on having their healthcare benefits taxed as earned income? I've heard estimates it could take up to an additional 20% of your paycheck. If it was that serious, I think I'd cancel my health insurance and invest in an HSA. I just know the last thing I want is to pay more taxes on a system that already works for me (i know it might not work for everyone else) to provide healthcare for other people.
  8. #51.) don't buy a hyabusa for your first bike
  9. Lol yea give em a couple years and they'll scream it's an inside job
  10. Nice graph, I remember all the rocket attacks in 2006 (I was on my honeymoon in Jamaica in July) and remember Israel bombing the shit out of Lebanon (I think?) in response. I'd be curious to see how the Iranian people would support Ahmadenijad if they were attacked by Israel... because a lot of people didn't support him in the last election because of the sanctions and rising tensions he brought upon the country for their quest for nuclear power/energy.
  11. I did the same thing when I got server banned from Napster by Metallica... OH how I miss the late 90's and taking 40 minutes to dl'd a song via dialup only to play it on my "win amp" the next morning
  12. I'm not trying to impose fear, I think this is a real possibility, and I tried to cite several articles to give reasoning to my suggestion. Maybe I'm looking into things "too much" but I think it's a possiblity, and with the new administration, I think Israel knows they're on their own now.
  13. So the writing is on the wall... and we're worried about "healthcare" that has somehow become our biggest crisis in 50 years? It looks like the U.N. is trying to create a worse or bad global image of Israel and released this to maybe deter any pre-emptive strikes on Iran because of the world opinion. (not saying that terrible things haven't happened in their conflict, but timing of statement is interesting). http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/8257301.stm Then you have Israel's prime Minster, Netanyahu supposedly meeting with Putin in secret... announced a few days before Russia signs an arm deal with syria and Iran... Iran last week made a public statement that they would crush any opposing force that would threaten their nuclear security and announced that in talks with the U.S. they wouldn't stop their nuclear program nor discuss it with the U.S. as previously agreed upon. And then Putin has ralled against imposing additional sanctions on Iran this week, and come to find out, Russia is helping Iran build a nuclear power plant... (and we wonder why they would use their Veto power on a U.N. resolution against Iran) http://www.fresnobee.com/world/story/1634156.html?storylink=mirelated I'm just a little concerned because we're too busy bickering about a manufactured healthcare crisis and wasting congressional time censuring a representative for speaking out... when we should be worried about stability in the middle east while we still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan... Russia is also wanting a bigger Nato role with the increasing deaths in Afghanistan http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a91o6HRzyLio Here's a WSJ article mentioning similar possibility http://online.wsj.com/article/SB40001424052970203917304574410672271269390.html
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xnxPcYlgqY
  15. conan is good, I miss kilbourne
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RajNvJ3bCU
  17. lol I just checked my user cp to see what other threads had been updated (after I checked this one) and I was like who in the hell is replying to this thread at this hour.... should've known the only person who spends more time OR than me is you J
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6CSix3Dy04
  19. well even under the proposed system, I think a major accident could still leave you bankrupt I'm totally guessing, but I thought I read the maximum annual payout of benefits was like 10k?
  20. this is a seperate thread entirely... but I feel like the left leaning media was so invested in barack's campaign that their "credibility" or whats left of it, is at stake with him succeeding. They purposely fail to report on stories that would effect his image in a negative light and skew their "polling" data to help their cause. Anyone who saw wolf blitzer practically in tears on the night Obama was elected, or Chris Matthews talking about the tingles he gets up his leg when Obama speaks, knows that there is no "journalism" left with those media outlets.
  21. i go to their website a lot, its interesting to see what stories they report on, i think its funny some of the stuff thats front page news for them (that happens in America) is like a backpage story for us. edit* for example: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8255930.stm
  22. I can't speak for why glenn felt this way or that way, other than I think the john stewart show may have taken his personal experience out of context versus his comments about "reform" aka government handout. You can call it bias, but look at the ratings... I think the american people will watch "fair and balanced" anyday over the Obama news network or other state run media networks because they're better at being more objective or at least offering a different view than the other 3 cable networks. (and for what its worth, I like to get a lot of my news from headline news because usually they're the most objective [but sometimes slip in some liberal bias] because its about news and not political commentary) CABLE NEWS RACE FRI., SEPT 11, 2009 FOXNEWS O'REILLY 3,212,000 FOXNEWS HANNITY 2,644,000 FOXNEWS BECK 2,544,000 FOXNEWS BAIER 1,968,000 FOXNEWS SHEP 1,705,000 MSNBC OLBERMANN 1,067,000 MSNBC MADDOW 948,000 CNN BLITZER 889,000 CNN KING 875,000
  23. no I was just saying that cause i thought thats what you wanted to hear, and i was right
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