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Everything posted by dmagicglock

  1. ZOMG the sky is falling... okay I figured I'd mention it before anyone else did. Seriously tho'... this disturbs me and spells nothing but bad things for our future economic policies. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/currency/6152204/UN-wants-new-global-currency-to-replace-dollar.html I read that, then I see this story... and we wonder why other countries want different currencies and the IMF other than the dollar. http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/57493-senate-must-raise-debt-ceiling-above-12t
  2. he makes so much sense it almost doesn't make sense! great find
  3. you guys missed him plugging "xbox, iphones, and google" to mention a few? he totally got campaign money from apple, Microsoft and google! Sorry couldn't resist putting some sort of conspiracy theory spin on it
  4. ChickOn2, I noticed you were on a two week lull there for a while where I didn't see any posts by you, and I was like hmmm wonder what happened to her. Now you've noticabley returned and look at you stirring the pot!
  5. ^^^ haha yeah I like the r6s, I actually went to buy that version when I got mine instead (cause they had it marked down from year before)... love that body style and those projectors. I wish they'd put projectors in the new gen r6
  6. how about Paris Hilton "Change you can enjoy looking at"
  7. I can't believe they didn't revise the r6 for 2010?! Thats okay it will help my 06 hold its value better. I did see they're not making the r6s anymore... Love the new blue/white paint scheme on the r6 tho'.
  8. okay my most relevant post of the night then i'm actually going... this is a transcript of Obama's prepared speech for the schools http://www.whitehouse.gov/MediaResources/PreparedSchoolRemarks/
  9. and 2 incomes are better than 1. I think my wife raised my credit score at least 100 points haha
  10. double post, this thread wouldn't be complete without some ben folds haha alright i'm going to bed, talk to you guys tomorrow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlGCTWL6djo
  11. I saw vivien stringer was being inducted into basektball hall of fame (4 diff teams taken to women's final 4, i guess thats pretty good) anyone else see Imus is going to be on fox business network? I am surprised and yet not surprised... but he was pretty liberal from what I remember (regardless of racial comments) but I'm sure fox will offer him money he can't refuse and supposedly the show is more about financial than political issues.
  12. saw this on the random pics... is there a "CIA song" for kids in the background?
  13. how can you take any of those out of context? are they excerpts? yes... because I can't quote the whole book. If I take excerpts from Mein Kampf, are you going to say "oh silly hitler was taken out of context". The guy went to a black liberation church for 20 years, hired van jones as a job czar who said many racist things and called for reparations. Birds of a feather flock together. I guess what I'm saying is, quit making excuses for the guy and call a spade a spade. And no I don't have mixed race kids, but my nephew is mixed and so far he handles it a lot better than Obama. Liberal media tactic #238, ignore all logic and reasoning if it doesn't support your argument.
  14. I don't know if Obama wants to enslave whites... but I'm pretty sure he's not a fan of our race. The quotes below are from Obama's book, "Dreams of My Father"; Although Obama spent various portions of his youth living with his white maternal grandfather and Indonesian stepfather, he vowed that he would "never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela." This is from "Audacity of Hope"; "There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs," he wrote. "It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names." From "Dreams"; "The emotion between the races could never be pure,” “Even love was tarnished by the desire to find in the other some element that was missing in ourselves. Whether we sought out our demons or salvation, the other race would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart." "There was something about him that made me wary,” Obama wrote. "A little too sure of himself, maybe. And white." From Dreams Of My Father: "THAT HATE HADN'T GONE AWAY," he wrote, BLAMING WHITE PEOPLE,- SOME CRUEL, SOME IGNORANT, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives." From Dreams of My Father, " I FOUND A SOLACE IN NURSING A PERVASIVE SENSE OF GRIEVANCE AND ANIMOSITY AGAINST MY MOTHER'S RACE". From 'Dreams of My Father', "I CEASED TO ADVERTISE MY MOTHER'S RACE AT THE AGE OF 12 OR 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites" need I go on?
  15. fair enough sorry for the gummo reference, couldn't resist! i forgot how jacked up that movie was when searching for a clip... its worse than "kids"
  16. Chickon2 aren't you from xenia? you have to have had a fucked up childhood... I give you Gummo! Xenia at its finest! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Fawnn9rCIk
  17. anyone mention selling sperm, blood and plasma yet?
  18. put a ducati nameplate on a "slowshiba" tisk tisk
  19. haven't read all 18 pages of this but has anyone thought about making Obama's "stay in school" speech a PSA instead of a mandatory broadcast for all the kids that are already at school? Maybe we should be broadcasting it to the couch potatoes at home skipping class watching maury?
  20. well don't let the name "tactical" confuse you, its not necessarily ninja stuff. I think the closest hotel is in a town called "seaman" hahaha so I think you can find a pretty cheap hotel, but i believe the class is $150 bucks a level thus making it a vacation.
  21. well it depends on what kind of instruction you've had previously? I've had some good instruction, this helped reinforce a lot of that. I would recommend it if your a CCW holder or if you haven't been to a lot of other "gun schools" previously.
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