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Everything posted by dmagicglock

  1. I don't go "clubbin" but if I had that tshirt I so would
  2. +1 for all those who died that day in NY, the pentagon, and flight 93, and in combat since to protect our country, RIP.
  3. come on people, i don't get pos rep for the tropic thunder post? that was epic
  4. good stuff, in that class i took at TDI this is exactly some of the stuff they talk about and also tell you not to give a statement immediately and seek legal counsel first to save your butt from future criminal or civil implications.
  5. I think he meant liberals... not like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAlVKgl_zCQ
  6. well the problem is, the current legislation doesn't require you to pay taxes to receive the benefits, they just require other people to pay the taxes. So say you grant amnesty to 10 million illegals... thats no guarantee that they make money or will pay in to the system and even if they do will they pay enough to support their "share" of the cost. California recently voted to ban state benefits to illegal immigrants and it was shot down twice by the supreme court. The details are leery but per constitutional law you can't provide healthcare to one group specifically without making it available to another group (whether here legally or illegally) so unless there is a provision in the bill that specifically states (not provided to illegals) [which would be unconstitutional] then you can assume that illegal aliens will have access to medical care, whether they're made citizens or not, and whether they pay taxes or not.
  7. I meant that as sarcasm... And here's your "Iraqi public healthcare" http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=11126 looks like they face a 1.6 BILLION dollar financial gap I'm pretty sure given their infrastructure or lack there of... the medical needs of iraqis are different than that of the U.S. Let our experiment in Iraq serve as a model of why we shouldn't try universal healthcare here
  8. it always comes back to the iraq war... and if universal healthcare is good enough for iraq, then its good enough for US? Let's adopt sharia law while we're at it too!
  9. you honestly believe you can provide better healthcare than what I receive now, and healthcare for 30 million more people, none of which will be provided to illegal immigrants somehow, all by not raising the deficit 1 dime or increasing my taxes 1 dime? (a campaign promise of his) If you answer yes to any of those questions, the only benefit universal healthcare will provide... is a much needed psychological evaluation for you.
  10. i thought lying to the american people was more unpatriotic, but thats just me
  11. I personally wish our Congress resembled the house of commons and our senate was like the house of lords and you would TRIPLE the ratings on CSPAN. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94lW6Y4tBXs
  12. did we need a test to tell she was a he? If he waxed his upper lip for starters, that might have stopped some of the doubters
  13. sometimes I wish you could give pos rep for posting pictures, well done, you sir are a great american
  14. i could care less about either team, but thought this pic was worth posting
  15. I got an email from Senator Brown's office today regarding the "electronic town hall meeting" he is going to have tonight. Here are some of details: It is tonight at 6:30 to 7:15 and here is the weblink http://brown.senate.gov/live/ you can email your questions to: townhall@brown.senate.gov I hope this helps anyone who wants to voice their opinion for or against healthcare.
  16. the look on pelosi's face when wilson said "you lie" was priceless!
  17. oh and I did notice he pulled out the ol' republican fear mongering in his speech "if we don't do this, everyone will die and lose their insurance anyways" lol (okay maybe I embellished a little, but not much!)
  18. okay another thread on Obama and healthcare Did anyone else watch this speech? it was only on like every channel... I felt like it was more empty rhetoric and nothing informative or of substance. He made a lot of claims about how great its going to be but didn't explain how it would work in any great detail, or what provisions in the bill would back the claim up. I like how he did say "when I sign this bill". He's already passed this bill in his mind. He did mention it would be mandatory for every american to have insurance He did mention the insurance exchange thing again (but he needed to go into more detail), and I don't see how this system would be profitable without lots of government subsidizing. If it was feasible it sounds like a great idea on paper. Justin, I'll give you the lead on this one and finding out who it could work effectively without going belly up. And he seemed delusional about not signing a plan that would add 1 dime to our deficit? Congress just asked to increase the federal deficit to 13T because his budget is so high? Call me crazy but I know if this healthcare plan is passed the budget deficit will go up and the only way to prevent that is to tax the hell out of the American people. anyways, let the comments roll in
  19. my wife has an all wheel drive pacifica... its a fuggin' tank in the snow. When we got like 2 feet of snow two years ago I was like one of 5 people on the road around here, just plowing through snow banks, loved it
  20. haha thats hilarious! glad things worked out, I saw her pics under the random pics (posted by jrm) and I was like hmmm I wonder what became of that...
  21. wow reading that intro thread tears your heart out, 13 month old RIP
  22. so what happened to this chick? was there a 2nd date?
  23. by page 4 does the happy birthdays mean anything? oh well, happy birthday!
  24. i know they technically changed it in 08, but unless you own one you can't tell. I think the only changes were some small ones such as a magnesium alloy subframe and remapping the ecu, oh and I think the mirrors mount outside the windshield now. 2006 r6 2009 r6
  25. I wish I could just print more money and raise my debt to income ratio without defaulting on anything. Everyone is saying "ohh we're coming out of the recession!" I think we've just temporarily inflated the market (printing money, bailouts, stimulus, etc...) and this is the calm before the storm. I'm afraid the worst is yet to come... This is definitely some writing on the wall.
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