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Posts posted by dmagicglock

  1. i love the one's that sit outside of the reds stadium and have signs that say "at least I'm honest, need money for booze" They usually end up with the most money, but none from this guy. Once had a homeless guy in philly come up and clean my windshield and make it MORE dirty, did give him a dollar to stop touching my car. He was clearly not faking it, he had seven kinds of aids and a bag of leprosy. Felt bad for him, at least he had a business model, just needed to invest in cleaner rags/water/spit?

  2. I only bothered to read 6 of the 12 pages of this thread so I dont know if anyone said this or not... but my finger OFF the trigger is my safety. I keep my gun chambered, and neither my glock or my ruger have manual safeties. I had to go to the west side of dtown today, not only was my gun chambered, I had some nice DPX hollowpoint rounds in it, and the extended magazine. There's no winners and losers in a gun fight, only survivors.

  3. No lead to my knowledge. But if I start feeling sick continually I'll know why.

    Brand new they are around $1600-$1700 includes fees for IMPORTING

    I paid $1000

    and much to the astonishment of those who found out last night. Get 120mpg

    did you pay more for your gear than your bike?

    seriously tho', a G is not a bad investment for a bike that gets 120mpg even if you did get lead poisoning. Just don't try and eat the bike and I'm pretty sure you'll be fine.

  4. Do you know anything about being an accountant? (i'm assuming you don't... if I'm wrong, I do apologize)

    But would it be unreasonable to expect an accountant to refrain from making dumb mistakes on your taxes? Of course not. You EXPECT him or her to know enough about accounting to do the job correctly, and without harming your bank account or causing you to be audited by the IRS.

    You may not KNOW how to be an accountant, you may not walk the streets every day accountin' shit. But you DO KNOW what to expect out of someone who has gone through the process to earn the designation of CPA. You may not know the difference between a balance sheet and an income statement or the fine details of accountancy... but you can certainly make a judgement about an accountant who can keep your books smoothly, and which one can't count the contents of a dozen eggs...

    right...? so why is it unreasonable to expect a police officer to do their job without unnecessary harm or undue injury?

    worst analogy ever... I suppose if I rob a bank I can expect the officer to disarm me too without injury. It's not their job to "disarm you without injury", it's just to disarm you so that you don't hurt others. If you're so disenfranchised with the police, maybe next time someone breaks into your house just handle it yourself. I would hate to see the intruder get hurt and you be responsible because you called the evil police on him.

  5. Well if you haven't noticed, the price of postage has gone up consistently and quite a bit over the past few years (percent increase). The postal system is actually headed for bankruptcy as well. Thats why they're trying to cut back their delivery days to M-F. In fact, the postal service is having trouble competing with the "private sector". And the postal service was around well before the private sector was...

    Has anyone ever quoted themselves!? Well I thought what Obama said was funny cause I totally called this like 10 days ago!


  6. montgomery county sucked, it took like 6 weeks to get mine back... but I submitted my application like the day after Obama was elected and people were freaking out and the lines to submit apps were crazy. They also charge you an extra 5 bucks for the picture on top of the app even if you bring your own photo on your app. I've heard that the wait times now are like 2 weeks or so... especially in smaller population counties. I'm not sure what its like in other counties, but here you could only go certain days of the week (like tues/thursday?), so keep that in mind too. Goodluck!

  7. Yes... I DO go to WalMart during the day, sometimes. My kids don't play soccer... nor do I drive a minivan. Guess I'm a dredge of society or a welfare recipient. Well fuck me sideways.

    Its because of people like you I shop at target

    jk :D

    I've never been to that walmart in Xenia, but it looks decent. I go to that super walmart by Dayton Mall that they JUST built and it's like a hub for the RTA to just continually bus trash in. They should have a no shoes, no shirt, no shower, no service policy.

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