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Posts posted by dmagicglock

  1. I hate when women put mascara on while driving, or any makeup for that matter... I drive around all day for my job and I see a lot of stupid things like makeup, eating soup, shaving with an electric razor... i mean come people, stick to texting while driving.

  2. meh CNN is in the bag for Obama care, he's attacking this guys credibility and looks silly while he looks calm and collected. Why not question him on the legislation, or what he disagrees with it, instead of attacking him over stuff from 10 years ago. Nice job trying to create a distraction from the real issue, this legislation sucks, even if you are for universal healthcare this isn't the way to go about it.

  3. i think its funny but the best shooting ammo is usually the cheap ass blazer brass, NEVER have any problems with it, even the cheap federal (pretty much same thing) works great too! One time I bought a 100 rd box from dicks of american eagle reconditioned ammo, and didn't realize it was reloads... my glock was dirtier than rosie o'donnel on gay day in San Francisco and I had several misfires... never again :(

  4. yeah I just am looking for shitty target ammo that won't misfire in the glock. I got all I need for hollow points/carry ammo. Some people hoard the shit, but I just want it so I can actually practice shooting that way if I ever have to use it in real life I can hit what I'm aiming for instead of having a useless pile of 30k rounds at home in my closet waiting for the armageddon.

  5. you will find assholes in all walks of life and on all bikes.

    I have ZERO chicken strips on my VROD, and the last O.R. event I went to 90% of the sport bike crowd were sport'n chicken strips like they were gold chains.

    post pics or I'm raising the B.S. flag! :) jk

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