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Posts posted by dmagicglock

  1. ninjachk why in the hell are you thinking about leaving this beautiful city of miamisburg, named to ohio's top towns in 2008 or whatever that sign says on heinke!? It just doesn't get any better than the dirty burg... :lol:

  2. i know other states think OSU is over rated, but i really think 'bama is overrated. The media loves to hate OSU because they've choked the past few times in big games... :( Just like every year I think we have a legitimate shot at the title this year. I'm also curious to see how much michigan improves this year too? And if Penn State can hang onto last years success. I'm hoping OSU can get back at USC this year in their matchup. Should be a good night game with plenty of viewers.

  3. yeah I was going to make this my dinner plan and have a 40 oz of beer cause thats how I roll and they're the only restaurant I know that sells them hah but yeah heard the lines were super long today :( so I make a da pizza at home and drink the bud heavy from a small bottle.

  4. theres some formula that for every 1/8th of an inch of movement (left or right) on the pistol it accounts for like an inch or two on the target from so many feet out. You might not notice it from 30ft, but obviously as you go to 100 ft or more it becomes noticeable. So it could be the tiniest movement but it can add up over distance. Some people argue its not trigger control but anticipation of the recoil that causes you to pull down on the gun and you can "milk the grip" and throw the shots off just a bit. Anyhow! Good luck, mastering trigger control takes most people just long enough for arthritis to set in haha

  5. check your trigger finger, if you're wrapping your first digit around the trigger and pulling it versus depressing it with the tip of your finger you'll usually pull to the left. But otherwise not bad homie, just some helpful advice because I use to pull to the left all the time and that was my issue.

  6. what about people that get HIV? should we deny them care too because of their social deviance? Or cancer? Shouldn't have smoked, now you can't get chemo... I'm just playing devil's advocate. I know where you're coming from, I don't want to pay for some chicks abortion or someone's drug rehab, or atherosclerosis cause they eat at McD's 10 times a week.

  7. I know I know, ANOTHER video... I figured I'd post it in this thread even tho' it does deserve its own thread... the last thing we need is another healthcare thread.

    Background info: Democratic congressman holds town hall meeting. Guy asks questions about Healthcare and the congressman yells at him for being an "astroturfer" and says he's only there to answer questions from his constituents.

    Turns out, the guy is a doctor, AND lives in his district, IS a democrat, AND has called the congressman's office several times to set up meetings to no avail. Sounds like this dem just wants to shove this legislation down without listening to anyone's opposing view.


  8. you know funny you should ask... It was one hot July day some time ago and I had been looking at you tube videos of motorcycle accidents. I remember one guy leaving a comment saying "better to wear gear and sweat than need a skin graft". Later that day I went out to ride with some guys, I started to walk out the door and was like should I go without my jacket since its in the 90s.... and then I remembered that guys comment on the youtube video. So I grabbed my jacket, only to lay my bike down a couple hours later. If I hadn't had my gear on, I would of needed skin grafts for sure.

  9. bummer you didn't go to WSU when I did, i might have TWO r6's :) jk!

    I ran out of gas on my zr7s off 275 in Cincinnati. A really nice guy on a HD Road King came by and picked me up, took me to a gas station and even brought me back. Very cool dude! (I should prolly lay off the harley jokes for a while now that I think about it...)

  10. no back pressure=downgrade.

    word, I put the jardine motogp exhaust on my r6 and its just a slip-on past the cat. Yamaha has an EXUP valve on their factory exhausts that open and close based on rpm's/mph to give you the right amount of backpressure. I notice just a lil loss of power with my new exhaust (no baffle and had to d/c exup cable) on low speeds but it is better on high end.

  11. what about....

    vehicular manslaughter n. the crime of causing the death of a human being due to illegal driving of an automobile, including gross negligence, drunk driving, reckless driving, or speeding. Vehicular manslaughter can be charged as a misdemeanor (minor crime with a maximum punishment of a year in county jail or only a fine) or a felony (punishable by a term in state prison) depending on the circumstances. Gross negligence or driving a few miles over the speed limit might be charged as a misdemeanor, but drunk driving resulting in a fatality is most likely treated as a felony. Death of a passenger, including a loved one or friend, can be vehicular manslaughter if due to illegal driving.

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