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Posts posted by dmagicglock

  1. Nope, I was thinking:

    1. What do you carry?

    2. Where did you do your CCW training

    I never think "why does that person NEED..." I think "I hope he's around me when someone goes down"

    haha good call!

    I either carry a ruger .380 LCP no matter what or if I'm going to a rough area I have a bowie tactical concepts Glock G19.

    My father in law is a retired sheriff and gun columnist/instructor, so I lucked out and he gave me the training!

  2. I don't work for them anymore, the company I do work for has a policy against weapons.... but I believe there's an exception for in vehicle.

    When I worked for Goodyear they actually allowed employees to use the security gun locker if you didn't want to leave your weapon in the car.... talk about a SMART policy.

    I do outside sales, and my company is pretty cool about it, I've told my boss I carry and they don't mind as long as I don't bring it into the office when I pick up my mail. You're probably thinking... why does an outside salesman need to conceal carry? well i sell tobacco to gas stations and convenience stores and unfortunately the stores that buy the most are in the SHITTIEST areas of dayton/cincinnati... Usually try to get there before noon haha

  3. On a similar note, I worked at a (really) shitty company that tried to create an anti-gun/anti-weapon policy that prohibited weapons, even while in your car, on their premises including the parking lot.

    They also tried to say they had the right to search any vehicle brought onto the property... we refused to sign and said we'd park down the road and walk and/or quit.... it was almost half the developers in a company <100 people

    I'm really sick of this type of behavior.... I understand having rules to protect yourself.... but someone who is going to break the law/rules is GOING to break them. A sign, a rule, a posted message is NOT going to change that.... what is it going to take to get that message across?

    Someone else had this happen to them recently at their company and I think there was a supreme court ruling saying they were allowed to have the weapon stored in a locked compartment in their vehicle. Might want to google it? Usually works in your favor if there's already been a similar ruling.

  4. The goal of healthcare is to make sure we live as long as possible so that we have more years to pay taxes to the government. So it is in the best interest for the government to make sure you get the basic healthcare needed to survive. It is that point where you completely become a statistic, and a bean counter is determining if the proceeds from you tax payments offset the medical costs to get you better.

    good theory, I would also argue that far left wing liberals typically want to increase welfare and healthcare benefits as a way to empower government so that individuals can't survive without government intervention because they become so dependent upon it. I would also say its almost like "buying" votes, because lower socio economic classes typically vote for democrats knowing that they prefer wealth distribution (just as Obama said, "it's good to spread the wealth around.") and democrats typical favor the welfare system/unemployment benefits to support their lifestyles.

  5. What are Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon, Michael Jackson and Billy Mays expecting for Christmas this year????

    Patrick Swayzee.

    LOL so wrong but so funny...

    reminds me of the joke

    What'd the blind/deaf boy get for christmas?


    (I know i know terrible joke)

  6. If they have a weapon and you and/or your passenger is in risk of death... with how messed our judicial system is you'd get a prosecutor that'd argue giving up your car without resistance was the right thing to do.

    Castle doctrine only applies when your life is at risk and there are no other options, I thought.

    you can use castle doctrine as justifiable homicide because it says that you can use lethal force to prevent intrusion which could possibly lead to a violent attack. So basically if someone breaks into your "castle" you have the right to use deadly force because you can assume that their intentions would result in violence.

  7. And, I believe shooting from a motor vehicle is also against the law

    probably, it seems like an unsafe thing for bystanders haha but I'm pretty sure I read somewhere in last years updates of the CCW laws that if someone tries to break into your vehicle while you're in it, that it can qualify under the castle doctrine? So I know you can't shoot someone in ohio to protect personal property, but nice to know if someone wants to car jack you, you're well within your right to shoot them haha

  8. Short answer - No, not right.

    Ohio is an open carry state, but some local law enforcement get upset if you just have it chillin on your side in public and might try and write you up for enducing panic or some other things. But I will say there was a guy in cleveland recently that was in a Taco Bell and was open carrying, the police tried to bring charges against him but were unable to do so because of the open carry law. As far as using your gun, certain criteria have to be met. 1. You have to be unable to evade the danger

    2. You have to face the threat of serious injury or bodily harm

    3. You cannot be the one to initiate the conflict, i.e. you can't punch a guy, he pulls out a knife and then you pull out your gun.

    Also you gotta think about your backstop, if you start shooting even if you're in the right... what happens if you miss and hit another motorist? You're then liable for manslaughter if they were to die.

  9. I will say the r6s is more comfortable than my r6.. like someone said earlier, the r6s is more for street and the new gen r6 is more for track. On my bike you sit a little higher and more forward than the S model. I think the new gen r6 has a different powerband, meant for more higher rpm riding like you would see at.. say... a track, but regardless they're both awesome bikes. I love my short exhaust and the handling is awesome, but i wish I had projectors... :( Oh and the storage under the tail is a joke on the new models compared to the S model.

  10. Yea, I meant .380 ACP. My bad. It's the .380 that I thought kicked... those are still small pistols

    I have .38 spc for my SP101 and that's WEAK stuff (.38 spc) - but the Ruger is all polished stainless, so it's got a little mass to it.

    I went back and edited my previous post to clear up the .380 vs. .38 cartridges I meant to say (.380 was what was meant)

    I fired one of these at the range a few weeks back (my father in law does testing for ruger) and it's a pretty nice .38 revolver, that is really light with an awesome grip surface and its dual action, a first for a revolver i think? Only carries 5 bullets tho'... if you have a ruger revolver now, you'd love this thing.


  11. Beware of those early model LCPs


    I haven't shot the Ruger .38, but I swear to God that those .38s have more felt recoil than my .357, my .40, or the .45 I shot. I think it's because they're so light compared to the others - at least that's the impression I got after shooting my ol' mans .38.

    they do have quite a bit of recoil, it might be because you can only get one hand on it really. Even with the mag extension it doesn't help much, but lets face it this is a gun you probably wouldn't use for more than 10 feet away. But if you fired a small .38 it might have more kick than a .380 because a .380 cartridges are for pistols not revolvers and they have a shorter length of the bullet with less powder behind the slug.

  12. Really? a Kel-Tec? :wtf:

    One of my carry guns is a ruger lcp .380, its nice to have to take with me when I want something more concealed than my glock. You carry the right ammo and have good trigger control some of those small guns can be very effective. But i've never fired a kel tec so I can't testify to their reliability?


  13. have you tried this forum? I use to go here all the time when i had a kawasaki and it was a good resource


    you could probably download the manual as a pdf and figure out that way

    sorry i rock a r6 so I don't know anything about LED flushmounts for your bike, but "greggs" is one of the most common LED manufacturers for flushmounts so they might have something or check out "lockhart" i have those on my r6, just plug and play with factory wiring.

    sweet ass bike , love the color

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