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Posts posted by dmagicglock

  1. I would get a "street fighter" or "naked street bike" if you want comfort and performance. My first bike was a kawasaki zr7s and it sat much more upright than the traditional sport bike, yet had way more pickup than my dad's 1300 cc harley. It handled great through turns, and I could ride it for hours without my back hurting and gas mileage was good. I would check out the yamaha FZ6. It's got an older version of an R6 engine, tuned for more mid range performance, so it would still have the pick up your use to with a more comfortable ride.


    pic of what my kawak looked like


  2. i love how all sportbikes get judged by a few gsxr squids... jk!

    I suggest you turn your dial to 980 AM and listen to dan patrick, or jim rome, much more entertaining! I think you have crazies that pop up in every situation. If you've gone to jack ass flats you don't have to be a genius to see quite a few drunk harley riders getting on their bikes with no gear and riding. And I've seen a lot of sportbikes doing wheelies on 675 and 75... So it does go both ways, but no need to perpetuate sterotypes.... However I will haha But I do think sport bike riders typically are the most protected (gear wise). And many, at least the one's I ride with, know their bikes and its capabilities beyond what a typical cruiser rider does. No offense, I'm sure most cruiser riders that are on this forum who invest time to network with other bikers are probably pretty smart about their two wheels so they don't fall into this category. But I mean when was the last time you saw a harley guy with a full face helmet and leathers and gloves... riding in july? My parents both ride harleys and I give them crap for being squids and not wearing gear, my mom at least wears a half helmet? Anyways, I'm rambling, good call to the OP for sending a reply back to the radio station. I'm curious to listen tomorrow cause I'll be driving in the cincy all morning...

  3. Americans are unhealthy because they live shitty lifestyles. It has nothing to do with health care or economic status. The fastest growing health risk amongst the "poor" in this country is obesity. Being a fat' date=' lazy bastage isn't caused by poor health care, but it will most certainly lead to health problems.[/quote']

    haha plus 1, I heard rush ranting about this the other day, we're the only country in the world where our poor people suffer from obesity... pretty sad.

  4. Also that map used an old system of measuring average life expectancy of a healthy person at birth. Well that is one dynamic trying to measure qualitative data, not quantitative data. The new WHO measures average life expectancy of person's years of healthy life. Simple measures like that do not take into account things like deaths from War (japan hasn't been to war in over 50 years), life styles... do American's drink more, have more drug use, exercise less, etc than japan? Are American's genetically predisposed to more medical conditions than Japanese? The truth is I don't know, but to measure a complex healthcare on one statistic seems... Incomplete judgement at the least. Regardless of the quality of your healthcare, if people do not choose to lead healthy lifestyles I'm sure its going to skew the stats.

  5. jrm maybe the U.S. isn't the right country for you? You're all for the GM buyout, pro union, and you want nationalized healthcare? I'd suggest finding a place to live in like cuba or Venezuela, maybe even China?

    healthcare is not a right plain and simple, because you can't provide someone healthcare without imposing on the rights of someone else who has to provide it for them. If you really want to reform the healthcare system and make it work, here's a couple of changes I would suggest.

    Tort reform: Trial lawyers drive up the costs of insurance for everyone, because if a doctor makes a mistake, trying to save some worthless schmucks life, they want to sue him for 100 million dollars... Lets say they don't make a mistake and just "misdiagnose", they still want to sue them for 100 million dollars. So doctors lose 1/3rd of their earnings for malpractice insurance, and insurance companies drive up costs due to lawsuits.

    Defensive medicine: I've heard figures anywhere from 100 to 200 BILLION dollars are spent on this every year. This means doctors are spending tons of your money, and insurance money ordering tests that they normally wouldn't order just to rule things out and prevent them from getting a lawsuit. The supreme leader obama recently said that defensive medicine needed to stop, but he wouldn't concede on tort reform because it wasn't fair to some people... blah Here's a nice breakdown in the case of an OBGYN because some people like figures

    If that OB-GYN must pay a medical liability premium of $200,000 each year (which is the rate in Florida), $2,000 of the delivery cost for each baby goes to pay the cost of the medical liability premium.

    Prescription drug care costs:

    Everyone bitches about how expensive prescriptions are... Well nobody realizes the average cost to bring a drug to market is 600 million dollars. So the drug company has to make up that opportunity cost for profit and reinvestment into other drugs. Also the FDA (government organization) has a stranglehold on the endless approval process for drugs. The average time from development to market for a drug is around 17 years I believe? By then most of the patents on the drugs are up and even when renewed, the companies have few years before generics are available and kill their profits to cover their overhead.

    So if you want the healthcare system fixed, reform it, don't REPLACE it... I'm tired of people wanting to have a hand out and think the government should provide them with anything more than sovereignty.

  6. I use to work for AT&T and my best suggestion for you is to buy a pre paid phone at best buy or target, put your sim card in it and it will work with your number. U can usually get some cheapo phone for like 20 bucks. Problem solved! I know AT&T just loves the ol' pre paid fraud, so your best to buy a pre paid phone from a national retailer instead of a corporate store.

  7. I'm not sure how I'm sadly misinformed... here's some info from google finance.

    Competitive Labor Cost Comparison (UAW/Chrysler #'s)

    2006 Average Labor Costs - UAW represented (per hour worked)

    DaimlerChrysler $75.86

    Ford $70.51

    General Motors $73.26

    U.S. Japanese Transplants Labor Cost Comparison

    2005 Average Labor Costs

    Honda $42.95

    Nissan $41.97

    I don't disagree with you when it comes to taking a job that has higher pay/benefits... You'd be an idiot not to, however I know that if I got laid off from a company, I would be applying for a similar job at a competitor company. You mention people that are 3 or 4 years away from retiring.. that sucks but life happens. I'd also like to see a statistic of how many people actually fall in that demographic.

    You talk about national healthcare in Japan with the other auto manufacturers but I'm referencing their plants in the U.S. They give good benefits to workers here through private U.S. health insurance, so that is still an overhead cost for them.

    Current employees may not recieve the benefits of the legacy costs being paid out to the older retired employees but they still pay Union dues and vote for their Union Representatives who negotiate(d) their contracts. So indirectly or collectively the members are responsible for thier own fate.

    I guess the moral of the story is, I respect your opinion, and I think we can agree to disagree. I genuinely feel bad for people that get laid off or are too far in their life to retrain. However on a personal note I'll never buy another GM vehicle or Chrysler for that matter. I drive a Grand Prix and my wife has a Pacfica and my next car will probably be a Subaru or a Honda.

    Here's a good article from business week back in 2005 that predicts GM going bankrupt due to many of the reasons I mentioned previously.


  8. It might not be more economical for your particular town, but on a large scale... It would be more economical for the US to allow it to fail. If you let it fail those facilities could be repurposed for another manufacturer to employ the residents of your town. Our constitution doesn't guarantee job placement or availability. Being laid off is a terrible situation and I realize it has ripple effects for the surrounding community, I know I live in the Dayton area. Part of one's own responsibility is to continually make one's self a valuable asset to any company. That might require that you seek further education, retrain, or specialize in a field that is a growing area. It might also require someone to move to an area with less unemployment and job availability. People have to be proactive in their own success. That being said capitalism has a sort of "natural selection" process built in to it. A sort of "survival of the fittest". Just as species in ecosystems who fail to adapt to environmental restraints become extinct, so do businesses in a free market society. I'm sure GM would be more successful if it had followed the honda or toyota manufacturing process. These companies make similar vehicles with better fuel standards, better re sale values, less recalls AND have factories in the United States and WITHOUT union labor and greatly decrease their overhead costs allowing them to be a much more profitable venture. They pay employees less than half on average to do the same job as Union Members at GM. I really do feel sorry for anyone who has lost their job, especially people who have dedicated their lives to a company. However, concerning GM, I find it hard to have empathy for someone who made $50.00 an hour operating on a assembly line, when in all due reality, the degree of specialization for their job should pay them well under $15 an hour. You can keep pouring money down the funnel known as GM, but if you don't greatly restructure the company, i.e. Union Labor, Overhead production costs, vehicle quality, etc etc you're only delaying the inevitable and the business will fail again. The only difference this time is that we'll be out 80 billion as opposed to the 17 billion we've lost since this last fall.

  9. have you tried to go rent a couple planes for you and your entourage lately? I could go buy a duc or two for the cost. the worst part is, air force one is ALWAYS there for his exclusive use and it is part of the budget year after year. But instead of that, he rented a couple private jets.

    doesn't anyone remember the crying and bitching when the big three's corporate high ups were traveling via private jets instead of normal flights while their companies were going down in flames?

    hypocrisy should always be noted.

    I was thinking along the same lines... I wouldn't have a problem with it because I'm sure it's the standard with past administrations and essentially comes with the territory. My issue is the fact that he crucified the car and bank CEO's over their similar use of private jets, and their uses were primarily for business meetings, not date nights. Hello Kettle? This is Pot

  10. even .0001% is too much. No business should be "too big to fail". This completely goes against free market capitalism principles. If you allowed GM to fail, I think you would see other car companies increase their market share in the auto industry, thus increasing their production, sales and hiring of employees (likely former GM employees). Instead we gave 17 billion to them last year, delayed the inevitable and the company still went bankrupt. Granted you could make a pie chart that shows a small ownership of corporation by the government but socialism embodies more than just government taking over private entities. There is also a huge push for nationalizing healthcare, increasing corporate taxes in 2010, and limiting the pay of executives in the financial industry, especially to institutions who received TARP funds. Do I think we're going to turn into China or Cuba in the next year or two? No... but a lot of these actions are steps away from capitalism towards a less successful economic model. Just my two cents.

  11. was that todd jarret?! Good stuff, I've just started timing my shots/reloads the past couple months and doing some scoring drills... Wouldn't mind getting into some of those ipsc competitions someday if/when I get better.

  12. i've heard the bmw's that have a drive shaft last FOREVER but that one looks belt driven like a buell? I'd go with an FZ1, i'm pretty sure they do have older R1 motors like someone mentioned earlier... But if it's a passion you're trying to share with your wife she might be much more comfortable on the back of the beamer! Remember... " a happy wife.. is a happy life" lol Look at the size of my r6 rear seat... my wife doesn't share my passion.... :D

  13. Look for the silver GTO with a Holden front end, lol.

    The RSV is 250 miles away in Flint and its absolutely killing me right now. :(

    you got a GTO with a holden front end, no way! I think the holden front ends are way cooler than the pontiacs, post some pics?

  14. they like to run a small cesna plane overhead and clock you from the sky.. Notice the white bars on the shoulder of the roads. Then they pull ya over :( I got a speeding ticket right by that exit like 4 years ago from being clocked in the air blah!

    *edit - just noticed fusions post... beat me to the punch!

  15. I went here a couple months ago and didn't even know it existed until I found it on Yamaha's website. I was leery about going to the original dealership I bought my bike from because they had given me beyond terrible service when I had taken my bike there previously. I had some fork work done, and they were the most friendly dealership I've ever dealt with! Their price quote was reasonable, and the work was completed by the next day! It's a smaller family owned dealership and it shows in their customer service. They weren't like a lot of the other "stealerships" i've dealt with in the past. I live south of dayton so it was a little bit of a drive but definitely worth it! If anyone on here has a triumph or a yamaha I would definitely go to Joe's Cycle to have the work done.

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