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Everything posted by Sara_Rides

  1. that's hilarious!! Does NyQuil make grape or bublegum???
  2. I am scheduled to take the motorcycle endoresement class in two weeks and I have a child care hurtle for Thursday and Saturday. I asked my mother, who ALWAYS watches my son when I need her to, and she refused as soon as I told her why I needed a sitter!! Would she rather I take the safety course and be well educated while on my two wheels or just hop on and go for it? UGH!! You would think safety would be first...but apparently not. WTF am I supposed to do? The class is hard enough to get into as it is, I can't just call and ask to reschedule.... I get that some parents, relatives etc. just don't get it, but come on..... Anyone have any sitters they could suggest? I've gotta take this class.....
  3. OMG who cares if this a repost!!?? This is hilarious!! I'm in class and busted out laughing....that was awesome!!
  4. Awesome pics! I bet they pale in comparison to actually being there....must have been an amazing trip! Good thinking on the Scammer girls though...I would have fallen for it....
  5. Cycle Search will service any bike at a great rate...they deal with used bikes so there is no guarantee that they'll have the one you want, but if you're not sold on the one you're looking at check them out....
  6. haha, apparently you don't know my other half...there is no compromising. besides, it a work function for him, he needs to be there.
  7. I live just minutes away, and I have a bike....BUT I can't come...as apparently I will be on child watch while my other half attends. Hope everyone has a blast!
  8. I didn't get a picture but I saw a neat one on a VW Bug: I8ABUG
  9. I have ALWAYS wanted to do this!! I am going to check out the prices and see if I can talk Zero into it and if I can, I'm pretty sure we are both in!! What a GREAT idea!!!
  10. I was so sad when the mouse got caught and then he rocked out...that was cute
  11. This is incredible!! Especially for business owners or those who work from home....I want it!! Probably should get an i-phone first....lol...which means I'd have to switch from Verizon...not likely to happen....oh damn.
  12. I just saw a commercial for this last night!! It looks like the coolest thing ever! I can't wait till I get a new phone...I'm hoping for a Droid....texing will be with this!!
  13. Sara_Rides


    I agree, team Lexus sorta blew it...the driver was way too cocky about her skills...and she didn't really have any. The navigator drove better, and was way nicer. Next week should be interesting.
  14. Ugh, I don't think I'll leave my house tomorrow. I'm boycotting the snow. F*** you snow! You are not welcome anymore.....go away
  15. I found it on a buddy's facebook page...he recently got a bike. So I am not solely responsible for all of who witnessed the unnatural interaction....lol
  16. Been a lot of ladies joining us lately! Welcome. I'm taking the course in April, I'll let you know how it goes. I've had my temp for almost a year, so I got in some riding last season with my fiance, which was helpful...good luck and enjoy!!
  17. I didn't really think it was funny...but then again, I don't know who the players are...that must have a lot to do with it...
  18. Thrift Store on Cleaveland Ave. in Westerville just past 270 is huge. And Well organized so you can find what you're looking for
  19. ^^^^That was so funny, I choked on my bagle from laughing so hard!
  20. Do you sexually caress your bike too? I mean, I might...but I'm a girl, so as long as there are pictures, it's cool....
  21. +1 best idea ever. I took mine out last season, wanted to ride to work. It was raining...I crashed...F'ed my ankle up so I couldn't ride for a while...bad idea. One of these days though...I'll rock the rain.
  22. I'm hoping the answer is no one but this guy, but after seeing this....I have to ask.... It's called A Man and His Motorcycle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvI16AXk0TA
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