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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. USA won 6-1... late goal on the backup goalie
  2. 30 minutes, that's gotta be an epic shit
  3. The GPS I just got does a trip log, but it doesn't tag images (my cell phone has that feature)... I haven't found it particularly useful but for longer trips it might be cool/ Make sure you enable the "Where am I" feature so we can stalk you
  4. There was a game earlier, final score was 12-1 If your 4th string is scoring on the opponent, the game shouldn't even be happening... watching this game is like watching a peewee football team play the Giants... or like when Ike's hockey team had to play the professional team so Ike could avenge his shame from missing the goal from the game of his life.
  5. Denmark is the team I was thinking of.... apparantly one of the girls posed topless.... LINK IS NWS: http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg.no%2Fsport%2Fol%2F2010%2Fartikkel.php%3Fartid%3D589446&sl=da&tl=en
  6. USA vs Finland.... 1st quarter, score is 6-0... In my honest opinion, I wouldn't feel any more pride in the USA if we won by 1 or won by 20... We all argue Tressel goes too far with the "good sportsmanship" and not piling it on... but what about this? too far?
  7. http://www.nbcolympics.com/photos/galleryid=424719.html#the+women+olympic+curling
  8. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" or better yet "If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."
  9. Likwid


  10. Meh, most folks that think motorcycles are death traps are people who have never ridden.
  11. did anyone watch the daily show where they interviewed some lady at a conference in Hawaii about universal health care (Hawaii has provided healthcare) "If healthcare passed there will be sick people all over and states will plummet into poverty" And what would you say if I told you Hawaii has healthcare "ummmmm, he who pays the piper plays the song" (or some shit like that) And what if I said that makes no sense and you're retarded lol, it was amusing, the issue isn't good or bad, it's a lot of ignorance.
  12. Because Obamer won't let him buy one?
  13. Hoblick was trying to sell his I believe. Evil Nikons
  14. My bike was cheaper than that. lol 300mm, with my cropped frame it's like a free 1.6
  15. My buddy has a chopped 73 knucklehead he's finishing, the new tank holds 2 gallons I believe... which for that motor gives about 70 mile range. LOL, and I thought my 100 until reserve was horrible.
  16. 71.84 @ BikeBandit fyi. Not sure if you checked there. http://www.bikebandit.com/1990-suzuki-motorcycle-dr350sl-front-wheel/o/m5858sch238244
  17. This thread is full of win and meat but mostly win
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