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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. I like to shit in a box and sell it.
  2. roflmao, quite possibly the best threadjack JRM and I have ever committed. BUT if you use a CC this would have never happened.
  3. RCA typically requires you to use your DEBIT card a certain # of times per month. It would seem the BEST combination is to make minimum purchases using your debit card to satisfy the requirements, then use a rewards CC for the rest... but this still neglects all the benefits of using a CC vs Debit... which is, anyone with your debit card number has immediate access to your money, a CC acts as a go-between
  4. Here's the spreadsheet from JRM, only part I edited was the MMA % from 1 to 2 http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AvyVxPtYKOmNdEpKdy1sZmROR0xwaGY3YjM0VU1Yd3c&hl=en Going through it now to find where JRM has to be wrong
  5. Consequently, you can use the Link function within Google Maps and post the entire URL [ map ] http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Cleveland+Ohio+to+Columbus+Ohio&sll=41.287245,-81.49661&sspn=0.01119,0.01929&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=8 [ /map ]
  6. You fail.... do you have access to email? can email it to me and I'll post it.
  7. I thought he was Mormon. He's protesting getting married because he can only have one wife.
  8. Additionally, Google doesn't cache images so you have to download EVERYTHING every time the page loads. Performance goes WAY down the more maps you use, but that's the Google works.
  9. I'll be anxious to see. There isn't a way yours will come out being more assuming everything else is equal. UNLESS your account is compounded daily. In which case you'll edge it out because the amount of money collecting interest will average the same.
  10. Spend vs save is irrelevant, you're never earning interest on outgoing money unless you're using a rewards/cashback CC. At the end of the year we've both saved the exact same amount, and we've both spent the exact same amount. The difference will come from the fact I'm double dipping rewards and you're only reaping the benefits one time. Commmme on, you're going to argue money with me?!
  11. Here's the rub, you're not getting 3+% on your OUTGOING money, you're getting 3% on what remains in your account. So let's do a month by month example to better illustrate, simple numbers. You put $1,000 in your account on 1/1 You spend throughout the month $400. At the end of the month your balance is $600 Assuming a monthly compounded interest rate you'd get interest of 3% of $600. I put $1,000 in my account on 1/1 I spend throughout the month $400. At the end of the month my balance is $1,000. My credit card balance is $400 Assuming a daily compounded interest rate (common for MMA) I'd get interest on $1,000 Then pay off my credit card (which gets a 1% cash back, 5% for certain purchases) and earn minimum 1% of $400. So after 1 month I've earned interest (or cash back) on $1,400 ($1,000 2%apy 1 month = $1.67 + $400 1%apy 1 month = $.33) You've earned a slightly better interest rate on $1,000 ($600 3%apy 1 month = $1.50) Because of a larger AVERAGE balance (and daily compounding) I'll earn $2.... you'll still earn $1.50
  12. I get almost 2% plus a 10% bonus on interest if I keep it over a certain amount... but w/e. I'm not down with having all those restrictions "must make certain # of purchases, must use billpay, must..." etc etc
  13. ... That's exactly the point tard If you leave money in your MMA longer you earn more interest, therefore it's in your best interest to postpone when the payment is made to your Credit Card. Why let the merchant earn interest on YOUR money faster? By using your debit card you lose those assets in your daily average balance and therefore your interest goes down, meanwhile they get instant access and can earn interest on it.
  14. That worked, but I get double notification. Really works well if everyone in the thread had the option on
  15. Well, it's meant for snowboarding, so given the alternative of no gps I'd definitely take the goggles.. For MC (I think that's what you're inferring) I'd find it too distracting.... NOW, if it had a "ghost" mode that didn't have much at all on the screen, then when a turn came up it just flashed a transparent arrow and road name... that'd work great, would let you focus on the road and who might be turning Left in front of you
  16. big difference there, CC doesn't have direct access to your money. Apply for a CC, even if it's a "no credit history" card. No fees, and never carry a balance. Justin can say whatever he wants Credit Card is necessary for any online purchases or building credit history.... he doesn't have to worry because he already bought his trailer HA! But in all seriousness, Debit Cards should NEVER be used for anything but withdrawing cash from an ATM. The debit card model was a replacement for checks, it shifts the financial burdon (fees, balance overages, etc etc) to the CUSTOMER.
  17. #1 never use your debit card, always use credit #2 see #1
  18. Man, not a bad price, or idea... But I wonder if this is a "too much of a good thing" ... seems like it would obstruct your view too much.
  19. Likwid


    My cell phone goes out and automatically applies profile images as your picture ID. I really like it there because 99% of my contacts I never bothered putting a picture ID on the phone.
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