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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. My inflection didn't come through in my post (obviously), I agree with you... but we COULD see the sponsor as giving us the gift of keeping OR from shutting down.
  2. well, I think the big difference is if you want to run a track in Ohio or out of state... right?
  3. Same shit different year... does anyone really still believe Iran has nuclear weapons? Surrounding nations have some of the best intelligence units in the world and Iran still exists... I think the claims of Iran's power is vastly exaggerated... but we'll see
  4. Yah, one of Obama's statements was he was going to end warrantless wiretaps Source: http://news.cnet.com/8301-10784_3-9845595-7.html
  5. Well to be fair, this isn't an existing program or anything. This is a product of new technology. Tracking cell phones is STILL a relatively new technology, triangulating cell towers is one thing, E911 (which this essentially uses) is an entirely different thing and 3 years ago most phones didn't have it. But I agree, the Obama administration should stand on the PRINCIPLES of what they were saying, not just what was said.
  6. It's clearly folks doing 20/20 hindsight analysis and trying to second guess, noone should deny that. But saying "Obama never said he wouldn't do this" is similar to saying "No I didn't break the vase YESTERDAY" when you broke it 2 days ago. "I will not wiretap people!" ... "well this isn't a wiretap" Shitty, true... but shitty.
  7. Had to edit this because someone split it off into a thread. I think Casper should have learned by now, noone is happy with the sponsor announcements if they don't contain the benefit to THEM... noone seems to be happy in the fact the sponsors keep the forum running, regardless of if they give a cash discount to members. The goal for forum sponsors is "Hey, if you keep the forum running users will see your name and do business with you" not "Hey, give the members a discount and you can be a sponsor" Welcome STT "What are they giving me?" Welcome DucRX "What is he giving me?" Welcome IronPony "What are they giving me?" lol
  8. holy shit, worked like a charm. Very very impressive indeed.
  9. Ditto here (although it slows down a ton on this thread I wouldn't anticipate this amount of maps on any other thread) Let's test THIS out.... ride map
  10. I think both are bullshit, but there IS a big difference between listening in on your calls and seeing where you made the call. This isn't about wiretapping, this is about tracking. Like I said, both are shitty, but Obama never said he was changing being able to warrantlessly track people... just that he wasn't in favor of warrantless wiretaps. Again, different degrees of shittiness, but still shitty.
  11. Dude, NOW we're talking! It's huge, but it's extremely useful! Thanks for listening!
  12. Argue the merits and he-said she-said all you want this quote says it all. I personally think we all have a reasonable expectation of privacy regarding where we go... but I guess the gubnant doesn't. Just think, next time you call your wife/girlfriend/mom from a strip club the caller ID will say "Joe Smith 330-555-1234 Calling From Platinum Horse"
  13. Well I'm trying to find out how this can possibly be used.... take a look at all the maps folks are posting. If you didn't tell anyone the address or Gmaps link it's useless. Meet me there at 2 pm. or Hey, I can't find 123 main st can anyone help me? Sure here it is I guess it would be useful if you wanted to point out a spot on a map just for illustrative purposes, but I struggle with how to use this. You can't get directions or really see down on the map as far as you might want for driving.
  14. Would it be possible to integrate the dynamic GMaps API? http://code.google.com/apis/maps/ That way we could link the dynamic map, movie it around and all that fun jazz. Example: http://econym.org.uk/gmap/example_wizard.htm
  15. Those are great! Would be a great option for charging items. I'd rather have them interconnected from room to room but that requires a whole lot more work.
  16. Likwid

    RIP Phil Harris

    Oh snap. I is guilty
  17. Likwid

    RIP Phil Harris

    http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/news/la-et-capt-deadliest11-2010feb11,0,3708085.story I liked him on the show for sure.... although I thought he was incredibly dumb for staying on the ship after breaking ribs and all that...
  18. Welcome... get out while you still can!
  19. I'm just being a dick, sorry it's early. Our Siamese HATES running water... if you turn on the faucet he'll go running from the room. But every now and then if we turn it on slowly and he's relaxed he'll take a couple laps.
  20. Downgrade to vB2... it was awesome. jk, I'm in favor of staying with vB3 until they deprecate support.
  21. How many cats have you had? Out of the 4 cats we've had (1 passed, 3 currently), all but one drinks from faucets. Our calico will sit there and play with the water trying to figure out what's going on and our maine coon just drinks.... but no, none of them stick their head in it like that.... LOL
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