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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Me thinks this should be in Central instead of Statewide.... unless everything at OS fairgrounds = Statewide
  2. Erm, I thought only losers wore helmets. kidding, looks sweet, I've never heard of the brand but that doesn't mean much.
  3. I can't bring myself to go to any online university for the fear of stigma... *shrug* I still plan on going back for my MBA, it's just a matter of when... given the current job market it might be better to do it now while the jobs are so thin.
  4. Likwid


    wait? hwili is a chick?
  5. I don't have first hand experience with Alpine, but all my experiences with Euro sized shoes tells me you should go with a 49... gl
  6. I'm really wondering given the reuse of tracks how many stops they'll actually put in. I'm picturing it as being straight through... and that would kind of suck for folks that don't live within walking distance of the hub.... but great for travelers. I'm remembering when we were in NYC earlier last year... you could get to a train from anywhere, then get to anywhere you wanted via train/bus/taxi/subway.... I'd love to have the train/bus aspect here but I don't see it happening
  7. My mom and dad tell me about the blizzard in Columbus in the 70s... I guess it was so bad if you HAD to go out you pretty much had to tie a rope to your group so you could make it to the destination. LOL easy killer easy! I'm just fucking with you. We know the only colleges still using pigeons are in Cinci.
  8. I heard you guys are in the top 20 online universities...just under classics like ITT and the California University of Pennsylvania. i keed i keed, I just figured any university with you working in the IT department was still using roosters as alarm clocks
  9. Dude it's Franklin University... the goat probably laid down so they decided to send out the carrier pigeons to notify the folks to stay in their barns. HAH!
  10. Same here, I like to drive places so I have the freedom to leave whenever I want. The proposed system doesn't allow that.
  11. Yah, for it to be high speed I believe it needs to be 110 or 120... either way, I think it's all together worthless if we don't have reliable public transportation when you arrive. What good is it for the folks in Cinci to jump on a train and ride up to Cleveland only to get here and have to walk 10 miles to get to their destination...
  12. I think some of the stuff should be done by 2012, but I sincerely doubt we'll see it...
  13. Ignore all the bickering and bitching of government spending etc etc etc and just comment on the existence and how it may change your commute. I'm actually a bit disappointed in this, they don't even have a Cleveland-Pitsburgh plan... even though it's "close" it'd be nice to take train from Cleveland to NYC... but I guess baby steps.
  14. Oh man! I had a 486 DXII when I was a kid... I'll look in my parents' basement... but it's doubtful they kept it
  15. Likwid


    Next on the reading list... "How to lose a girlfriend in 100 posts"
  16. This belongs in the post your target thread but nice shootin' tex
  17. See this is the major issue Lots of these "organizations" you donate to are nothing more than religious missionaries. There have been reports that money and food was withheld from certain areas because they were predominately believers in Voodoo. Explain to me again how it's good religious practice to deny help because people don't believe what they believe?
  18. Likwid


    I miss seeing the news reports in California "50 care pileup after 1" of snow"
  19. AIDS burger in paradise AIDS burger and it ain't nice
  20. Here are the rules: 1. Travel time is included 2. Unlimited cash 3. You will die on the spot in 24 hours Skydiving here, fly to florida, scuba dive, then try drag racing a formula 1... and if that doesn't kill me I'd like a couple beers and a spot on the beach with my wife next to me. k your turn
  21. I'm very happy with my 9mm sub compact composite gun
  22. damn! You're about to get a cease & desist from Amsoil for posting a price!
  23. Out of all the hate speech I guess the only other "racist" one would be for hispanics... I suppose the filter on ... is the most obvious and abused racist word?
  24. roflmao... I fucking knew someone was going to be quick on the draw.
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