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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Likwid


    I don't think OR is RECEIVING information, so comments, posts, and avatar changes over there it doesn't automatically change over here.
  2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse ultrices elit eu lectus suscipit scelerisque. Morbi nunc justo, ornare et scelerisque a, venenatis et nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu massa libero. Vestibulum tincidunt lacus sed velit tristique ut dignissim ante mattis. Pellentesque malesuada, arcu eu laoreet lobortis, mauris arcu accumsan massa, eget rhoncus nulla purus sed nulla. Maecenas vitae dictum ligula. Cras magna augue, scelerisque in aliquet at, feugiat vitae ipsum. Donec dapibus auctor erat. Quisque ornare porttitor felis. Nunc mattis porta quam, eget rutrum neque laoreet ac. Sed ac tortor vitae nunc suscipit congue. Curabitur est magna, hendrerit vitae tempus et, tempus non est. Etiam odio tortor, feugiat at fermentum a, blandit vitae mi. Phasellus eleifend commodo ullamcorper. Nam mi sapien, tincidunt vestibulum consectetur in, faucibus vel lorem. Fusce sagittis quam felis. Duis blandit, erat feugiat suscipit hendrerit, leo tellus viverra felis, quis convallis risus erat a orci. Duis sed dui quis nisl fermentum posuere et at justo. Morbi sit amet sapien augue. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec ut turpis id enim ornare rutrum eget id enim. Morbi bibendum, metus vel hendrerit lobortis, ante tortor hendrerit sem, ut hendrerit lacus quam vitae risus. Curabitur lacinia facilisis diam id dictum. Sed at justo ut leo blandit feugiat id pulvinar arcu. Sed pharetra risus ac lacus tristique fermentum. Etiam eu ante dolor. Cras erat nulla, ornare ut pellentesque a, iaculis vel tellus. In id magna in diam gravida ultricies. Sed ut est sit amet nulla varius rutrum. Mauris quis vestibulum dolor. Morbi scelerisque libero quis erat faucibus rhoncus. Mauris tristique auctor tristique. Donec viverra elementum libero vel interdum. Morbi rutrum leo vitae risus tempus vestibulum. Quisque mattis ligula id tellus lobortis in tincidunt eros porta. Integer vehicula auctor suscipit. Etiam in sem libero. Vivamus quis est in dolor fermentum porttitor quis quis eros. Maecenas vel lectus non lectus condimentum tincidunt ut non odio. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent risus urna, posuere a dictum nec, suscipit tincidunt orci. Vivamus viverra odio eu lorem pulvinar venenatis. Curabitur faucibus imperdiet leo, nec lobortis purus viverra vel. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam at rutrum tellus. Aliquam luctus, ligula eget gravida accumsan, ante quam tincidunt leo, id sollicitudin libero eros sed urna. Cras lacinia sodales mi, vel ornare nibh volutpat sed. Suspendisse nisi risus, dignissim sed aliquam id, aliquet non felis. Proin faucibus magna libero, sit amet condimentum tellus. Mauris arcu tellus, semper id consequat pulvinar, vulputate eget lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam purus augue, facilisis eget dignissim sit amet, sodales eget felis. Quisque luctus justo quis nisi lobortis vitae vestibulum ipsum luctus. Suspendisse sed urna elit. Proin vitae lacus erat. Duis vel eleifend mi. Pellentesque at mi purus, ac laoreet nunc. Suspendisse potenti. Cras eleifend pellentesque pellentesque. Nullam cursus neque non dui blandit molestie. Phasellus luctus varius felis in scelerisque. Nullam interdum sagittis tortor sodales placerat. Quisque luctus felis ullamcorper mi rhoncus suscipit. Cras accumsan semper neque in ornare. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla ut erat nulla, et ultricies mauris. Fusce urna dui, fermentum at iaculis et, hendrerit eget erat. Nam eget risus elit. Proin vestibulum posuere quam, sit amet rutrum est volutpat ac. Vestibulum quis libero at leo aliquam venenatis non sit amet enim. Vivamus elementum risus risus.
  3. Likwid


    ... wtf that was you, every time I view a thread I get a 10 second rickroll I can't escape.
  4. Likwid


    His text is "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!?!"
  5. Likwid


    Do you have Read Stream AND Publish Stream enabled? And Synchronize Avatar on?
  6. Likwid


    Oh I figured you could, sending you a PM.
  7. Likwid


    Other stuff
  8. Likwid


    Hmmm, Casper, is there a way on OR to see who rated your threads and what they rated it? I always viewed that as a "secret rating" type thing...
  9. Likwid


    Testing some stuff out Typing Cat will return!
  10. Likwid


    Testing. Please rate this thread
  11. To be clear, that was the point of my reply (yes it was a reply to begin with)... I was just pointing out noone seems to be happy the forum stays up, they all just want a cash discount on something
  12. It's all up to mod discretion it seems, if one mod feels it needs to be moved they're going to move it... the only way it's going to get moved back is if another mod or admin decides to move it back. Whatever, the best thing we can do is to keep the discussion going in this thread, the only difference it makes where it is is if it will show up on the homepage.... although moving it into the flame forum opens the door to more lively discussion right? The easiest way for a mod to change the tone of a thread is to move it to the flame room right?
  13. The brain doesn't have any pain receptors does it? That's why they can preform surgery with local anesthesia.... the brain RECEIVES pain but I don't think being stabbed in the brain hurts any more than being stabbed ALMOST to the brain.
  14. http://www.metro.co.uk/news/812749-man-stabbed-in-the-brain-with-girlfriends-stiletto-heel Just helps substantiate the argument, the more things you outlaw the more creative people get.... pretty soon you'll only be able to get plastic knives at restaurants in the UK. And no scissors unless you've been properly trained, drug tested, and undergone a psychological review.
  15. Oh yah, way to make ME look like the dick with the thread title ass!
  16. I've used it before, but nothing special, just small amounts by pill.... never anything extreme. Never noticed a huge difference *shrug*
  17. Casper BS or Carrie can answer that... but I think Ben mentioned last year was the first year the site didn't cost him out of pocket...so I'm guessing sponsors are a big part of that.
  18. Nope, luckily most companies moved away from that in the last couple years. It's very convenient.
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