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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Also just to add. There are lots of folks who just want pictures of themselves riding (including myself)... it's easy to get those shots on back roads too, just a little safer at the track.
  2. Here's the thing, if Person X sells images for $1 and Person Y sells them for $10.... if folks are buying the pictures at $1 guess what? The other pictures aren't WORTH $10. I've heard plenty of complaints from folks that the "official track shots" weren't what they expected and were too expensive. All in all, it's about who the organizer is pushing, and how much people are willing to pay. But the last I've seen, I've never heard someone raving "I use STT/MO/FT because they have an awesome photographer!"... maybe they're all saying that other places.
  3. Let me know when, we can go get some food and beer after
  4. Exactly, Apple can say "no photography", and they can say "You can't sell these images".... but they don't own images you take unless they SPECIFICALLY hire you to take the pictures, and even then it can't be "contracted work".
  5. If the track allows photographers or grants press access it doesn't matter who the "official" photographer is, the only difference is who has the license to sell to individuals, but that's only if it's specified in your entering the exhibit... all other cases it's just a matter of an organizer recommending someone. (I think that's what you are saying too though, since anyone climbing fences obviously wasn't granted permission). I didn't realize STT told Nelson Ledges (I had said Beaver before meant to say NL) they were restricting photography to their official photographer, especially since the owner specifically mentioned SCCA as being the only ones that have restrictions at THEIR track. That being said, I always find it amusing when folks restrict photography, most of the tracks that run well and make money don't bend to demands from people that rent the track, but meh, for every place you're told "No" you can find about 100 more that have no problem with it.
  6. Only because you believe something different Just stumbled upon this... http://blog.chasejarvis.com/live/ Never paid much attention to "big names" so apologies if this a repost and everyone is already checking this out.
  7. Not sure, should probably open a new thread in OT but whatever. http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=817855 Good read for the folks who want to yell and scream about how they're professional and how so much work out there is crap. It's like bitching about indie bands, music is music, it's only worth as much as someone is willing to pay, not how much YOU think it's worth
  8. I don't really care about OT Where's the bike though.... oh right
  9. Lots of nice pictures in there. But I have to make one joke lol sorry
  10. Thanks, the lighting SUCKED so I had to use a slower SS than I wanted, even when moving the ISO to 800. Just don't have the cash for a lens that has a bigger aperture and zoom.
  11. May as well post some too. Was having a hell of a time with the lighting so I had to move the ISO up a bit. No cropping Adding a couple
  12. Because you have a small penis? HA!
  13. Can you get us discounts on equipment? ;-)
  14. mmmm I'd trade photos for cake too
  15. I was going to use the Beaver to build up some portfolio shots but I'm sure I can make it down there for you guys Just let me know the date.
  16. appreciate the cc for sure. the shots Bad posted were with the kit lens so it was a bit hard to play around with the DOF. As for the panning, I was in a bad spot because of the lack of zoom so it was very hard to pan, but I agree, the focus should be reversed
  17. there may be a right and a wrong, but if someone takes a picture of me and I like it that's all that matters. Look at all the people that go apeshit bananas over anything sepia...
  18. Much less has brought heads to explosion here
  19. Here's the big problem, of all the careers, professionals, colleagues, workers I've been around, photographers are very high on the list of "my shit don't stink".... and "I'm a REAL professional you're not". Photography itself is not any breakdown of skill and equipment versus creativity. It's the end result. If someone likes the picture, there you go. You can walk around all day looking at pictures and saying "That's not art", "that's shitty comp", "wow this guy sucks".... but guess what, that doesn't mean shit if 1 person says "Oh, I like this", to that person it's good.
  20. This is the difference between licensing and copyright. And event can restrict licensing but they in NO way own the copyright on the pictures. If someone here wants specific pictures of themselves and more post processing than the normal track photos in Ohio they are well within all their rights to do that. Additionally, I haven't seen any waivers from the local tracks... do they include model releases?
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