So here's a big thing... it applies to lots of stuff. If you're not a specialist, you have no business doing it yourself. Folks that have no marketing or business experience, have no business to do their own marketing and business plan. Same token, I'm not a tax expert, I'm willing to pay someone to answer my questions, I'm not looking for someone to fill out TurboTax for me. Got this from MSN Money The key is, I'm not paying a person to fill out the forms with the numbers I hand them, I'm looking for advice on several items, but of the most important, using my home office and how it effects everything else. If you check out TurboTax and look under the home office deductions (or self employed) you'll notice it's VERY vague and can be difficult to manage, especially the pieces about depreciation of assets. One of the first things my guy brought up was depreciation and how taking it now could hurt a tax free sale later... TurboTax isn't providing that information to you, or it's burried in their Help and Common Questions by someone that posted a reply. The key here, I'm not keen on spending a "lot of time" trying to figure out the best situation when the guy I use has been doing this for over 30 years. Additionally, I'm paying for him to tell me what I need to do in 2010 to ensure that I get the most money back next return... how much in donations, how much I SHOULD spend on my home office (should I buy a new desk for $1,000 because it will get me $1,500 back at the end of the year), that kind of stuff.