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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Close! http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=816464 17-40 f/4L $615
  2. I agree with Pauly, High Point is as durable as you can get... it's as durable as a boulder, and about the same size. It shoots every time The only problem with it is it's the size of a boulder
  3. The only "trouble" I'm having is at the unzoomed length... 75 x 1.8 = move back. lol Other than that I've been pretty impressed with this lens
  4. I told you not to tell people It's embarrassing.
  5. Here are some low-res from Facebook. Was an impressive turn-out
  6. Glock 30, hate the grip profile and found the muzzle flip nearly uncontrollable.
  7. I thought they all had GPS chips embedded that automatically notified all surrounding lawyers...
  8. Here's another shot with the lens. In other notes, I need a flash and possibly a nifty fifty if anyone is selling cheap.
  9. Not enough to penetrate a wall, not enough to penetrate to vital organs. Get a good high quality jacketed hollow point, or as Mikey like's to remind me, powerball.
  10. Dude broke the law by wearing it, if he didn't wear anything he'd be legal :-D
  11. Monday and Wednesday evening works for me. Or Saturday before we go up to Buddys
  12. Crap, didn't know you were a leftie... you can still try the kholster on your weakside just to feel the holster. Mike is LH you probably know. If you have the LITTLE XD paddle holster for RH I'll buy it, and call SA they'll give you a LH free if you have the small non adjustable one.
  13. Nothing beats my halfies on a hot day! I'm actually debating a half helmet for the super hot days. Something that will go well with my jean cut-off shorts and flip flops.
  14. Adult spay is a bit more expensive than puppies, call the shelters and ask who they use. Or if they'll take her to have it done and you'll donate to them... Our kitten neuter/spay is less than 50 I believe, but that's cats and for a charity.
  15. Less than... wow, you're an engineer? And yes, that's EXACTLY what I meant!
  16. In the rain? How'd it go (besides 'awesome')?
  17. Ok so we will now all add IANALOLEOBIAAAEAISAAHIE to all our posts
  18. lol I think we should put IANALBIAAAE I am not a lawyer but I am an acronym expert
  19. Once you're sure YOU are safe, yes. 911 and see what you can do to help the woman. Get plate numbers, suspect description, vehicle description and your accounts of what happened. But all that comes secondary to you being safe. I have a hard time with all this, because in all likelihood the woman will be dead, and heaven knows if the BG is just waiting and watching in the shadows to run you over with his car... Other than that? Prayer for her and her family. And use it as an example of instances where the law can be hurting people.
  20. Also Scott, I didn't answer that way to be a dick, but web forums are a hot bed of "can be used in court" stuff and I don't like to say anything that could be used in a "He was trying to be a hero, look at all he has said about what HE'D do!" BUT in all honestly, you can play what-if games all day in your head (and you will) but very few of us can plan and prepare for all situations, and actually execute on that planning. The best we can do is instill the tenets of self defense in our mind and react with the necessary requirements to ensure the safety of ourselves and our surroundings.... You know the deal IANAL
  21. The what-ifs are very dangerous. In order to defend another person you must be sure they are not the aggressor and did not escalate the issue. Yes, it's probably clear the woman did not attack the man, but you never know, she could have stabbed him when he walked up to her and then he was defending himself... Should I have been in the same situation, I might have asked the woman if I could help her to her car, or walked behind her. If I saw the BG shoot her and then run into a car I would certainly not pursue. If I was in the parking lot, the man shot her and I was unable to call 911 or get to a safe location then there's a different story, but there's just TOO many variables to play what-ifs, especially when it comes to self defense questions. Edit: IANAL
  22. No way! If everyone carried there'd be shoot-outs over minor arguments! There'd be BLOOD IN THE STREETS!... </sarcasm> Until people start realizing what you say they won't cause a change. People associate firearms with criminals... not good honest people that seek to simply defend themselves.
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