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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Speedy I'll let you know later this week if I'm able to pick up the revolver from my grandma's.
  2. PM sent, thanks a ton. Kahooli, let me take a look tonight and see if I can get the straight line to the basement, if that's the case then I'll know how much cable I need. If the straight line doesn't work I'll hold off for someone with a fish, if it's not a straight shot down I may have to stick with wireless.... Or could always feed the cable down through the heating vent :-D I know how much people love seeing that. Edit: I looked a little into running some cable through the cold air return... building code aside (and OMG YOU'LL BURN THE HOUSE DOWN).... why not do it this way? Seems like an easy solution if the fish doesn't go straight through.
  3. Wow, well I guess Darwin has a way :-\
  4. Oh shit yah, it's original wiring. Everything in the basement is stapled too so I'd assume it's the same way throughout... I wish there was an easy way to see if the whole is straight to the basement.... I'm going to try a weight on some fishing line and see if it goes straight down...
  5. I'm tempted to just disconnect the cable in the attic, attach a light chain pull it down from the basement, then attach the cat5 and cable to the chain and pull it back up... Is this a bad idea?
  6. I'm ignorant on this... but I assume this is different than the glow sticks at the club right?
  7. "Oh... wow.... they must have messed up my reservation. No really take the bed, the floor will be good for my back" *5 minutes later* "No, I always sleep naked..."
  8. Yeah, I'm kind of a shlep for everyone. Macedonia -ish
  9. Damn I want it but I can't pick it up
  10. ... damn, that is a good deal... do you have 900' left? lol
  11. I was looking into that stuff... most of the HD barrels are unchoked aren't they? But I agree... you don't take a 18" shotgun to the skeet shoot.
  12. Was fiddling with my adblock settings and I noticed images here aren't cached (at least on my machine).... I ran quick tests in IE7 and 8 and the images aren't cached in either. Could save 100-400kb on repeat views if you added an expires for the static content.... Not a huge savings, but since you mentioned bandwidth costs in another thread I figured I'd offer up a way to save a few pennies. Here's to hoping there's no
  13. Why you not buy real estate like me? You stoopid. This is the best clip I could fine of that bit... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g9YUyJHm48
  14. You should be fine there! As long as you don't get something silly like a 10 round underbarrel lol. I have a Mossberg 500 with the large hunting barrel, the 18.5 HD barrel they sell extends maybe 1-2 inches past the magazine tube.
  15. Done and done, I make calls from your house all the time when you're not there.... erm.... you're not supposed to know about that. I pee in your toilet and don't flush, then I pee in the top part so when you flush pee comes out.... why you not smart?
  16. $30 a month for unlimited data, txt and 500 minutes > *
  17. A beer. And some Springfield Armory swag.... also I found some NVidia swag in the basement I'll throw in some of that jazz. Let me go check what's in the box.... Edit: ok looks like I threw everything leftover in this box.... so there's SA patches, SA stickers, a SA hat, Nvidia mousepads, Nvidia tshirts, and ATI polos. There's probably more in the basement but anything else would be demo & promo stuff from 6-8 years ago so it's likely worthless now... anyone want a copy of Thief for Xbox? lol
  18. It's ok mang, glad you had a good time and made it home ok
  19. Yah, most stuff I was reading said use a dowel rod with the action closed.... but no harm in going a little longer just to be sure.
  20. I've got a couple options. The place I was thinking is an interior wall, the attic is blown in insulation so that's a bit of a pain...
  21. Don't get TOO caught up on the barrel length. You'll find HD shotguns cost $100 more than a normal hunting shotgun in some cases... Even if you're not comfortable with that long of a barrel you can just saw it down yourself as long as you stay longer than 18"
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