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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Just to be clear (not piling shit on), Black Talons have resurfaced as sXt.... it's argued Black Talons got such a bad rap because of their names... if they named them "fluffy bunnies" noone would have said shit. :-D I'd be all about putting some fluffy bunny rounds in my XD lol But also, I've been told not to put frangible rounds in XDs because they can damage the barrel (I can't recall if it was just shotshells or that and frangible)... either way, only premium SD rounds go in my carry magazine.
  2. Black Talons are JHP....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Talon A frangible bullet however: "Frangible bullets will disintegrate upon contact with a surface harder than the bullet itself." Black talons may have been incorrectly classified as Frangible in your research because people were originally concerned the jacket on them came apart too easily and because of the ragged "petals" would be hard to remove.... However, Black Talons are FAR from frangible rounds.
  3. Likwid

    Fuse taps?

    That makes more sense, I forgot about the whole car frame is ground thingy.
  4. right, not the same way a man loves his sheep
  5. Then I love you, because you don't even know who Edward and Bella are... I hate all this vampire bullshit.... VAMPIRES AREN'T SPARKLY
  6. lol, I got it from college humor "I don't understand, I just saved you $10.50 and 2 hours of your life."
  7. Edward transforms Bella into a vampire after she nearly dies giving birth to their daughter. The only people who should be mad by this I already hate
  8. Likwid

    Fuse taps?

    Always fun KK. Quick question, how do you test which side of the fuse holes is the "from source" hole? I have a multi-meter, I think I just put the red lead into one hole and the black lead into the other and if it registers current it's the "from", if it doesn't flip it.... this sound right?
  9. heh, I mean this in the best of ways... I hope to never have to use your services Welcome
  10. Yah, Ohio and PA get you very far Ohio and FL gets you more, but as mentioned FL costs more and is more of a pain (requires fingerprinting)... PA only requires you send a check and a copy of your Ohio CCW
  11. After the track or after running into an SUV? :-D
  12. Ok clearly you people are not familiar with the point rankings of the world. Caliber (in inches) x 100 Knife length (in inches) x 2 Points are multiplicative for weapons... therefore 5" knife = 10 points .22 gun = 22 points 10x22 = 220 points No single gun equals the awesomeness.... Now of course, dual wielding beats most all.
  13. I'll root for whatever team you aren't.... with your pick of "UM" I know I'll be on the winning side :-D
  14. I think you have to PM Casper, he usually ignores PMs so make sure to put a dollar sign in the subject
  15. Likwid

    Fuse taps?

    wow, what the fuck happened here? lol
  16. Retarded? Yes. Gay? No. It's quite possibly the most hetero thing ever, a gun with a knife on the end.... stop overusing gay.. you homo :-D
  17. A knife gun! when you close it there's a barrel/trigger on the underside.... you can stab and shoot in one motion!
  18. Likwid

    micro eagle

    I thought KK was a nudist
  19. I thought for sure this was going to be a thread about the knifegun
  20. I haven't seen any Umbrella policy contracts so I don't know all it covers... I'd be really interested in reading more but I don't want to go digging through the DOI for filed documents from Geico or Safeco to read their umbrella docs. I know Umbrella's aren't "complete coverage" for all lawsuits, so I'd want to know what all it covers for a lawsuit.
  21. Likwid

    micro eagle

    You're small like a mack truck fatty
  22. We should add one to that original post. "I don't carry because it's cool, I carry because being dead is not cool" Anyway, back to OP, couple things to think about. Frangible rounds are not penetrating rounds... when you consider 2 layers of clothing and a coat... the last thing I want to be thinking about is "will this stop him?" or "Ok, I need to take 3 shots because that's where my HP/FMJ is in the magazine"... considering what other things people have posted about 21 feet in 1 second and average draw and shoot is 1.5 seconds... I don't want to worry about what round I have chambered. Yes, knowing what is beyond your target is extremely important, so is not being dead... in an apartment with drywall and a baby in the next room, you should plan ahead, but not risk your family's life... (but I realize you've talked about HD vs carry, I'm just touching on Walther's 'specific situations' comment) End of the day, carry whatever you feel safe with, and let it be done. Liability insurance, I don't carry an umbrella policy because I don't have enough assets for it to be worthwhile.
  23. HOPEFULLY I won't need work done again! But for sure mang, do you do the installs at all? I watched the guys do the Pacifica, kind of cool watching that stuff, was even cooler when he melted the old windshield to get the rearview mirror off.... coolest shit ever seeing a windshield catch on fire lol
  24. Likwid

    micro eagle

    I love the Baby Eagle... not so much the micro The new importer calls them Jericho now I believe
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