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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Up next, the Diabetes bowl :-D
  2. well I argue the sound of a shotgun being racked should be sufficient in most cases to scare people off :-D Also, because this is such great information for CCW, check out the Buick of Truth... really good information for if you have to defend yourself while in your vehicle. http://www.theboxotruth.com/docs/thebuickotruth.htm
  3. NO! I demand a source that is not from someone who has something to gain! kidding. Listen, bottom line, as with EVERYTHING there's arguments on both sides and noone is "right". It's not right for you, fine, it's not right for me either.... that's why I have an FSA
  4. I was actually going to comment on your comment about birdshot earlier but I got caught up in everything else going on... I thought you may not react so well when EVERY post was about how I thought you could improve lol But yes, I did the EXACT same thing, I bought birdshot first thinking it was a great idea... then read that exact paragraph and went to the store to buy 00 buckshot.
  5. Very sharp man! Scope that shit and you're golden.
  6. You should quote a more extremist website, it would help even more!
  7. You know it was only like 1.5-2 months ago right? I posted a thread asking Ben to bring it back but I never got a response...
  8. I liked it better before Casper 'nixed the mobile skins... I don't like the full site on my mobile but I've gotten used to it now
  9. Ummmm, by that same argument a 401k and IRA aren't YOUR'S either because you have withdrawal penalties.... It's the same with ANYTHING you fund with pre-tax dollars.
  10. I just recently closed my accounts with the "local" bank (since it went out of business)... opened accounts with 2 internet banks.... far better interest and I don't need a branch... HSBC refunds ATM fees so I can continue to use my local ATM
  11. Woah! That was quick, I didn't know they made a book about the movie so quickly! It's kind of like Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings right? I think the books got it way wrong, they didn't follow the movies very well.
  12. Oh ok, so I DO have an HSA that just doesn't belong to me? *watches JRM's head explode*
  13. Mien is similar but I don't get a visa card and it doesn't rollover, so by your definition earlier mine isn't an HSA.... whatever, I don't care what it's called, I put $1500 in it because I know we're going to have a covered expense in 2010 that is more than that... means I get a tax savings AND I get to spread the cost of the medical procedure over the year via pre-tax dollars... it's like an interest free installment plan
  14. Likwid

    New Year's Party?

    Doing blow off a hooker while your balls drop? Sounds dangerous I was in NYC for new years last year, overrated, but I didn't do timesquare... was retarded crowded.
  15. Likwid

    Deer Season

    I don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die...
  16. *looks under the hood* See that? that's your problem right there... You should get real insurance :-D
  17. You have a class on how to respond to inquiries from people on AOL in the 90s? Insane!!
  18. Likwid

    Fuse taps?

    I am just using the fuse tap I'm just not using the "add a circuit" tap RSVDon posted because it's 10 bucks and I don't have the room in my fusebox.
  19. Likwid

    micro eagle

    The only gun I found to be really rough on the wrist was the Glock 30... the sub-compact in 45 acp ... that thing was brutal
  20. Also, to add another source to your research, you MUST read this website if you're doing research on carry rounds and penetration. http://www.theboxotruth.com/docs/theboxotruth.htm remember, your PERFECT round depends on situation (as walther and others have mentioned).... For most you want (in no particular order) expansion - will it expand the same EVERY time? penetration - will it penetrate through clothing and NOT exit the BG's body (anything with an exit wound means your round had too much power, that energy beyond your target is wasted kinetic energy, and a liability risk) reliability - If the round won't fire, or loads improperly it's worthless and dangerous Generally the "perfect round" depends highly on your needs and your weapon... but I'd argue there is no such thing as "the perfect" round.
  21. Erm yah, they've continued the functionality in the "petal" type hollow points. PERSONALLY, I prefer the petal hollow points because they seem to provide more reliable expansion. I did exactly what you're doing, googled a bunch, looked at all the pictures then picked Federal HST because it provided the best results. My source: http://www.btfh.net/shoot/bullet-test-2.html And because I found this incredibly impressive. 45 ACP vs 9MM
  22. Likwid

    Fuse taps?

    Sweeeeeeet I'll fuse tap the side that is NOT powered... that way I retain the fuse functionality for my radar detector
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