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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. There's going to be issues with every gun, in every caliber... six sigma, even if you shoot for perfect you still have a tolerance for failure, with the shear volume of firearms glock has out there this is GOING to happen... if the guns were all metal you'd STILL have some issues somewhere. The cop is lucky the failure was contained where it was, if you've ever seen catastrophic failures it can be MUCH worse.
  2. And it never will, the more successful you become the more work it becomes, the only thing you can do is delegate with restraints and let it go.
  3. A sign doesn't make it better... by your same argument if they started putting up "watch for motorcycle" signs we'd all be safe all of a sudden. The problem isn't them putting themselves at risk, it's them putting everyone else at risk. If they made the buggies out of paper mache then I'd be fine with it, but they risk everyones' life around them.
  4. What can I say, had to lay the smack down ;-D... whatever Jarvis, you're jewish, you shouldn't feel good about anything ever.
  5. I still maintain running a forum is way more work than running any other type of website... I remember getting 100s of emails a day just from people reporting posts or generating emails off errors... Plus we'd go down for maintenance for ~10 minutes and we'd have phone calls and support emails coming in... couldn't get away from it.
  6. meh, I've had enough domain names, at one point I think I had 5 or so... too much work trying to get a website off the ground... I'd end up redirecting it to the NEO section on some forum anyway so not worth it
  7. I'm not assuming anything, you're inferring that
  8. Amish buggies cause so many crashes and wrecks... studies have shown (as with the truckers speed limit) it isn't the slow or fast, it's the DIFFERENCE from other traffic. Buggies should not be allowed on public roads, sorry, but this is how I personally feel. I don't care if your personal belief is cars are evil and all new technology is evil...
  9. Online petititons are more worthless than pissing in a bucket and hoping it turns into oil. If you want to do something call/email/write your local politicians, but don't just sign an online petition and consider yourself done.
  10. neoriders.com <--- soon I know SV riders has an Ohio section... I assume most of the others do too
  11. Man, sounds like another person on here that was accident prone... but he's disapeared I'd lend you my ass, but there's already a crack in it.
  12. If she's not guilty the way WE think she's guilty :-D I agree though, I'd be very happy if America said "if you're arrested in a foreign country we WILL come get you, but you'll be tried in America" but I know that won't happen... if that was the case you'd see countries not allowing Americans in. You have to be REALLY careful when traveling abroad, and you have to plan ahead, don't go to Dubai and have sex on the beach...
  13. According to US rules. I know it's not necessarily the case in Italy, but "Innocent until proven guilty" is an AMERICAN thing... there are countries (Japan) that you are guilty until proven innocent... meaning they SUSPECT you of a crime and you go to jail.... you and I may not like that, but that's the way the country is run.
  14. blah blah blah, their legal system isn't like ours, blah blah blah, this is unfair, blah blah blah
  15. Great link, nothing for the Vulcan but that's ok, I have the service manual.
  16. My dad sent me the picture from the OP.... I love this idea....
  17. 72k-200k LESS than a new? LOL insanity
  18. There is never a lot of posting about Rep until a change is made.... yeah there's one or two (thanks Pauly) but nothing like "What should we do?" or "Should we display names?" or "We've gotten rid of it"
  19. 3 ft of snow I'll ride in the cul de sac
  20. "woman" and "understandable" never belong in the same sentence.
  21. I vowed earlier this year to ride on 1/1 ... so I will
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