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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. +1 Mine actually gives 3. Oil, Oil and Filter, Completely Dry
  2. The world would be a better place if Kanye didn't exist.
  3. Comfort and utility. I <3 saddlebags.
  4. lol sowwy. You CAN subscribe to individual discussions and it will email you based on the preference you set, but it seems social group subscription doesn't do much.
  5. Likwid


    Condition of readiness: Go
  6. Well, you know what they say. When life gives you lemons, screw a hooker.
  7. Been discussed, Social Groups aren't current implemented that way out of the box.
  8. Unfortunately for those who DON'T have a JS enabled phone (WinMo default) you're stuck using the iPhone skin (which I actually like better!)
  9. Welp using a proper air compressor did the trick! The little pump I have at home (combination pump and batter jumper) didn't have enough pressure to pop the bead back into place. Went for a test ride around the neighborhood, no wobble, front brakes are a little scratchy, but I think squeek stop will end that. Thanks all!
  10. Ben, are you replacing the iPhone skin with this? or just WAP redirecting to the new mobile skin?
  11. I tried beating it like hell! 3lb deadblow. Should I beat it while the pressure is 40-50? I tried beating it from both sides and head on... not sure which way I should be focusing on.
  12. You're welcome! Glad I was about to "give back" a little. Anytime you want it bud.
  13. There's a golden rescue around NEO... http://www.goldentreasuresrescue.org/ very good group
  14. Likwid


    SD card and a computer, and Zelda. Unless they did a patch/update that still opens up homebrew for you.
  15. May I please have a 10% discount on my next order?
  16. I will have to admit David, I spend a LOT of my time trying to get people to do things because of things I prove or believe.... My wife is a statistician and I'm in marketing... she hates what I do, and I hate what she does. She gets SO mad because she knows there was some data manipulation in SOMETHING, I usually argue that if we did everything according to the pure analysis nothing would get done, and she argues the other side of it. It's quite funny, I know if I say "all statistics are made up anyway" she'll storm off
  17. I like my women like I like my coffee, ground up and in the freezer!
  18. heh confusing safety with legal requirements is a mistake, same as thinking we (the government) needs to protect the community by writing laws (like wearing a helmet) Anyway, not sure it helps this thread, but given the circumstances would we really expect the departed to have survived? "We'd only know if they wore it" true, but it's all speculation at this point RIP
  19. I'm passionate about this because I see data used incorrectly all the time. "We need to modify X because Y is in the data" because of it people end up making poor decisions because of a data anomaly. This correlation vs causation is the same way people argue gun laws. "Most violent crimes involve a firearm, therefore if you ban firearms violent crimes will go down" Violent Crimes and Firearms are correlated, not caused. A cruiser does not CAUSE a motorcycle more likely to crash, a firearm does not CAUSE a person to become criminal, a pencil does not CAUSE spelling errors, and importing lemons doesn't CAUSE traffic fatalities. YAY!
  20. Here's another great example As you can plainly see, the less we import lemons from Mexico the safer we'll be!
  21. Sorry bro but you're trying to argue that ice cream causes drowning. Causation versus correlation, you have to take into account the large difference in samples, there are more cruisers on the road than anything else. I'd suggest you read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misuse_of_statistics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_imply_causality
  22. I took the front wheel off today, there's a scuff/scratch inside the rim at one spot where the rim scraped on the ground after trying to pull it out of the garage (before I realized it was flat) I couldn't manage to figure out what the hell is going on, if I oull at the tire or pry it a little I can't see anything that is different in the part that's "thinner" than the rest of the tire if you spin it... Other than the bead seal being gone.... I'm at a lost, I hope Pauly can take a look at it tomorrow/Wednesday... I feel retarded driving a car.. especially since it's because I fucked up when I checked my tire pressure.
  23. I always manage to overfill my Vulcan. Granted it's not track, but it hasn't been a problem. I get a little blowback that collects in a bottle the Vulcans have. If it's bad you could just loosen your drain plug and let a little, but like Casper said, it's slippery
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