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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. lol, well I googled for making your own battery tender and this came up http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=21220
  2. And who created Hyrdrogen and Oxygen? And the deadly dihydrogen monoxide combination?
  3. Weather permitting I might be in as well
  4. I can only really shed light on my knowledge from working at large corporate environments, not those companies specifically. The negotiability on starting salary usually depends pretty highly on the position. Entry level being less negotiable than "senior" level positions. In terms of actually negotiating... do it... without a doubt. It never hurts to ask for more cash, but don't give an ultimatum if you're not willing to follow through, "increase that by $5,000 or I walk"... but it never hurts to ask "Hey, is there a little wiggle room on that starting salary, I'd like to see it a little higher" any response other than "no wiggle room" is an opening to begin negotiations. Also, if they say no, ask about a signing bonus, I know a lot of companies are willing to give signing bonus instead of salary bump. Another thing to keep in mind, if morale sucks there's probably a reason for it, with the big corporate players don't expect things to change, if people love the job and hate the salaries, don't expect salaries to go up. Sucks, but companies seem to "throw out" employee feedback on salary because "we'll never pay them enough, so let's throw out these survey results". I'd recommend JobVent.com for candid feedback on the bigger employers, it's obviously skewed WAY more negative than positive, but it will help you compare offers. Hope this helps! Disclaimer: My opinion is my own and is not endorsed by the company I work for.
  5. Uhm... are the blue jackets really popular down there in cbus?
  6. Likwid

    Just for the girls

    I hate to admit it... but my wife wants the pink revolver
  7. I just bought a bike lift recently, I've been told leaving it raised with weight on it is not a good idea, so I'm going to grab some carpet remnants.
  8. Casper, stop making up stuff and posting it on other websites so you can use examples here.
  9. I put Seafoam in my tank every month or so... seems to work
  10. My garage doesn't stay that warm, but it stays above freezing
  11. That sounds like what I had planned to do. I was planning on just putting the battery in the basement, not sure if it needs a tender really (I just don't know). Edit: Old socks over the exhaust pipes to keep critters out
  12. Wood is cheaper than wheel stands, you just don't want the wheel sitting on cement. Here's some how to from WikiHow Some other http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/maintenance/motorcyclewinterstorage.htm
  13. I want to wear all of them.... at the same time
  14. lol, crazy crazy.... if it's someone here I wouldn't expect (not encourage) them to speak up.... 5th ammendment. Also, Drumb and I were cruising down Cleveland Massilon road yesterday and we had both slowed down coming up a hill.... BOOM cop right there... we both looked at each other fully expecting to get the lights... nope, we had slowed to under the speed limit lol
  15. It's love hate, it's complicated.
  16. I've had this debate with lawyers before, for the most part they all agree, posting information like car, firearm, jewelry, and other valuables is much less risk than people think. (But given a lawyer, they'd prefer you post nothing) You're absolutely right if someone was "shopping" for your car or bike or etc, but crime is predominantly of opportunity. If you post the type of alarm system, your code, your address, when you work, when you're going on vacation, yes you are creating an easier target Anyway, if we all followed the "zomg someone is going to rob me" we wouldn't be posting a whole lot... but I'm shopping around for a KTM 250 *wink wink*
  17. You guys all did fine, in terms of NEO those were the best roads (if someone up here knows of any better please tell me) as someone in the Beginner thread, anyone can get into trouble on any road, it's all about riding your level, you guys seemed to do fine and slow down when you needed, but as I said, my bike doesn't go that fast to begin with
  18. Vehicle registration is public information for the most part, so no, I'm not concerned. Also, as you may have saw in my post, I have nothing worth stealing But for the most part, if someone didn't read enough about me to see that I am an armed citizen and still decides to break into my house (my garage is part of my house) let them, I'd have no issue if someone wanted to steal my bike/car a $500 deductible is no worries... as soon as they touch the doorknob going into the house... :-D
  19. Same here, for multiple reasons. 1. If you force people to answer with no prompting I would think other things come up first, I didn't realize people had "atheists" so high on their list of "OMG I AM SO ANGRY ALL THE TIME!!!" 2. I wonder what research firm they used, and how they identify respondents... everyone? Or people that subscribe to "The One Truth" magazine lol
  20. Shows how much I know about Cleveland... Unless I absolutely have to, I don't go downtown... period.
  21. No problem man, here's my address. I keep a ton of cash on the front seat of my car and a few stereos in the trunk. 1223 West 6th St. Make sure to check out http://spotcrime.com/oh/cleveland before you go to that address btw lol. I just grabbed an address that looks like it has a bunch of violent crime.
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