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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. I'm not sure if I should be happy Jews aren't first, or incredibly depressed that this is the way Americans' think.... I'm sure the survey is skewed, I'd venture that they asked the question pointed so they'd get an answer... but then again I'm blissfully unaware of this much intolerance.
  2. Ditto here, fucking Tom Brady is sucking donkey dick
  3. I didn't take a really close look, but I can certainly say the pictures do the car justice, it really looks that good. If I had the money I'd take this in a minute, but alas, I don't have the money for this.
  4. Once we got started and past the closed road that was a blast! Sucks Baja Fresh closed Bad, was nice to meet you, tell Tony and Matt to register here, you guys are good to ride with!
  5. i'll head out soon... Drumb just called, so at least it won't be just me
  6. You guys make me jealous! 2005 Chrysler Pacifica (Lease) 2005 Toyota Corolla (Paid off) 2004 Kaw Vulcan (Paid off) I need more toys with engines
  7. Grats man! You going to change your name after you guys tie the knot?
  8. Alright folks, a couple people mentioned it so let's get this done! Handguns Shotguns Rifles Throwing stones! Who's donating some farm land? Curby and drumb both have mentioned some land, so let's hear it! I'd be happy to buy some clay pigeons or targets, just need to know that we've got some interest. 11:00 AM-whenever. All safety rules followed. Hopefully there's enough interest, we can do multi stage/station events and some shit. Drumb mentioned he's got access to a pigeon thrower. I'd be happy to being my 12ga and of course my XD9SC. Let's hammer down a location first, then date, then time. I'm thinking someone brings a grill, we can grill out and have a BBQ. Date is tentative, but we can EASILY get this set up in a week.
  9. So what's the story? Sunday 11 or we all going to be drunk and asleep?
  10. where and how much? pm me your cell, i'll txt you when i get there
  11. i plan on getting there at 5 or such, never know how busy they are. also i want to do a little holster shopping.
  12. Tomorrow at Stonewall after 5:30... they open up the police/training range. I'm going for sure.
  13. Likwid

    Sick Baby Ninja

    Check the plugs too, that's easier and cheaper and just as likely.
  14. Sounds like sunday may be a better day for all.
  15. Sunday works for me as well. glad you got some cashola
  16. man, at least you guys got it now, grats!
  17. *sigh* thanks a lot Justin, there goes my childhood
  18. lol, good eye. To tie it all together, it's amazing who has died and the wars that have been declared based off religion. Islam, Christianity and Judiasm all have the same foundations in the bible... New Testament and the Koran are supplements not replacements.
  19. Jews? The bible is the foundation of ALL monotheistic religion!
  20. Likwid


    I think huffing ANYTHING other than air makes you lightheaded right?
  21. I think it's very difficult to compare USA to Israel in terms of "declaring war"... governments are so completely different. But yes, it's been a bit since just about any country "declared war"... everyone does operations and incursions. Oh, he's fucking crazy, but he's definitely saying things that will anger others on purpose.
  22. Out of who? Israel declared war on Hamas this year, "Operation Cast Lead"
  23. Likwid


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