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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. The voice is Leela The face is Peggy Bundy It's strange but I still enjoy SoA
  2. I saw the opener, first episode I watched. I definitely will be watching the rest of the season.
  3. yah like i said, if we're shaking the streats we're good.... if it's 2 other people I'll pretend I don't know you
  4. let me know where you're located, .i'd be happy to bring some good cheer to you buddy.
  5. Whatever works, Justin just give me a call or something, you know I roll early. We gotta figure out a way for us to totallty club this up.... give people the "wtf was that?!?!" effect
  6. Likwid


    class sucks! just pay attention so you don't have to do it again
  7. damn man, glad you're alive! hang in there
  8. sorry bud Patch and Sticker though if you want!
  9. I'll bring my dj equipment if you provide the chicken wings! jk, I don't have equipment... who's got a boombox?
  10. There is only do and do not, no try. That nerdy part being said. Your ass WILL be there. If that means I need to ride down to Canton to get you so be it. The Circle K on 83 is close for me so I'm going to meet there
  11. I'm a lover not a fighter! Can't we all just get along?
  12. Long shot on this, but does anyone know his wife well enough to get his bike to the meet and greet? It'd be a nice tribute to park it in the lot and rope it off as some sort of tribute. Just a thought.
  13. I thought the original was remixed LOL
  14. You should see me dude. Sometimes I stand up on the pegs, and once, I dragged my left foot on the ground! Crazy stuff man, crazy stuff. I've never felt so alive!
  15. If you let me borrow your bike to learn on then I'll punch max power for you... anyway. Don't worry MP was playing around too, he sometimes gets fussy when he hasn't gotten his morning BJ. Learning how to stunt from friends/experienced people is the way to go, I'd rather see someone posting here asking for help than just going out on their own and trying it in rush hour traffic on the way home from work. More power to you, just don't take anything here too seriously.
  16. I'm going to meet you guys at the Circle K as well, easiest for me to get to and only 40 miles away for me
  17. Is there anyway to teach me how to do some wheelies on my cruiser without blowing up my forks/fork seals? Or better yet, teach me on curby's bike
  18. I'm going to punch you square in the mouth Then steal your poster
  19. Not sure yet, QSL was pretty sad this past week. Are you heading down to the meet and greet this weekend?
  20. I love how every route allows for waiting up for the slower folks you're the best. Given my normal method of meeting people I'll be early as shit as always, I'm fine with whatever route so long as we don't get lost
  21. Damn yah, cleared me out of freebies! AS Jagr mentioned, the USA patches and stickers I have 50 of so everyone can have a patch & sticker if they want one, I can't see handing out 100 patches and still having more that want it! Maybe Modern Synthetics can tell me how many of the kickstand pads he handed out, maybe I'm underestimating things
  22. Done, I'm not going to edit the post from my phone cuz it takes forever.
  23. We definitely need to arrive together with everyone watching! Gotta represent NEO ... unless it only ends up being a few of us, then I never saw you.
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