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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Well if anyone changes there mind and wants to meet up there Saturday just let me know, was going to go when I wake up.
  2. k, I'll give a try when the Ambien wears off.... not a good idea to try now.
  3. lol I picked it up, didn't take much time at all.
  4. Likwid

    CPZ Listing

    Cleveland Clinic
  5. Likwid has created a new social group called "CCW/CHL Holders", with the following description: To join this group visit the social groups homepage where this new group will be listed.
  6. Which setting should I have the meter on?
  7. Some of the restrictions I'm reading say you can't have on your person the gun and ammo,,, so I think the ziptie the gun, you leave the mag elsewhere.
  8. Do I put the meter on the hot wire while the breaker is ON? Sounds dangerous right? Sorry, I have a multimeter, but I'm not that good with it. Treat me like the moron I am and walk me through how to test it? Please +1 beer if you do.
  9. I have a GFCI outlet in my garage that popped. Unplugged the chest freezer and hit the reset button.... lights go out. Flip the breaker back on in the basement, go out and hit reset, same thing. I'm thinking something's fucked up in the receptacle. Can anyone think of an idea I shouldn't just go get a new GFCI box and replace it? Could there be a bigger problem? Meanwhile, freezer is plugged into an extension cord that I plugged in the house... so ghetto. Thanks,
  10. ... I see that on their website now... Seriously? A gun show that doesn't allow carrying?
  11. Likwid


    Took the Vulcan to Paul today, for what was a very vague and wide range of possible problems. I'm incredibly impressed with Paul's work, ended up being a very minor issue (chain slack) and he got me ready to go quick. Seriously, it's not the major issues that gain you trust, it's when you have a little issue and someone helps you out without fucking you over. And seriously, to make a service appointment at a big shop and pay $100 an hour or more just to have some guy split his time between 8 bikes and not really even care what he's doing... not worth the time and money. Any future bike work I need done will be through Paul and DucRX. Thanks Paul!
  12. Seriously, get back on topic fuckstick!
  13. Eat first, bring a small snack, very little breaks, certainly not enough time to get real food.
  14. Fuuuuck, dude's a great writer... now find the rest of the story!
  15. I've run out of Coca Cola
  16. Grats! Welcome to the club
  17. You're such assholes! It's not like I posted it in Daily Ride.
  18. Likwid

    Thats a damnit!

    Actually... I have to go back, but at Gander mountain they had a big sign posted for a recall on a pistol that said the drop safety was malfunctioning and to send it for repair. Also, it said you should always carry with safety on and the weapon unchambered.... lol
  19. Seriously, called up Springfield Armory to see how much a cable lock would be since mine didn't come with one (not that I REALLY need it, but I'd like to have it). "Press 3 for Customer Service" *beep* **NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP... NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN....** "Hello, thank you for calling Springfield Armory..." I laughed, I said I can't believe Springfield Armory just RickRoll'd me, she laughed. Anyway, cable sent free of charge... I'm liking XD's customer service!
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