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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. I saw the video mang, I bet you could run faster times if you didn't ride 2up.
  2. Likwid

    On my soap box.

    lol, you have no idea! I used to run the FileFront forums... at the time it was only 130,000 members or so... all whiney 12 year olds bickering and fighting about which gun is the best for level 4 in Halo. Then every 2 minutes someone hit the report button to complain cuz someone got butthurt. zomg flashbacks... *cry*
  3. I think if we stopped every 50 miles I would have been fine ty for the tip, just the tip
  4. Damn... I get 115 tops before reserve...
  5. you recommend a left hand iwb over a specific small of back holster? I tend to wear longer tshirts, I'm not tiny
  6. Tru dat, your girl/mother/significant other surely noticed the additional 4 inches... za-zing. Sorry, late night, anyway, hope you get this figured out, maybe post a picture or 2, maybe you're missing something easy someone can spot.
  7. seriously +1, I always wonder why there aren't more unlawful detention or false imprisonment cases.
  8. But either way socal, reprint your confirmation here, click on "Reprint Confirmation"
  9. You don't need proof of insurance for the class, but you have to sign a form when you get your TEMP that says you won't ride without insurance.... (I think that's the thing I sign all the time)... Someone correct me on it, I know I had to sign a form about insurance, maybe it just says you won't ride on public roads without insurance?
  10. I'll let an experienced mechanic answer the questions, but wheel chocks use the rear swing arm, so I wouldn't think that's an issue.
  11. Wow, that story reads horribly, either that or my reading comprehension sucks.
  12. "utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action" lack of regard or attention; neglect. lack of due or respectful regard. I stand corrected, you could argue that if you are versed enough in the regulation of what it would take to induce a panic then you have not had a lack of regard. Either way, won't stop the cop from arresting you if they want to, you'll still have to argue it in court.
  13. lol, we are talking about secondary chain right? Should be fine unless he tries riding it or moving lol
  14. You checking while in neutral? Have you adjusted suspension recently? Was it loose before you changed tire?
  15. Wanted to crosspost this, good info, I know most people here follow this, but never hurts. sticky?
  16. Jeff Cooper's Rules of Gun Safety RULE I: ALL GUNS ARE ALWAYS LOADED RULE II: NEVER LET THE MUZZLE COVER ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DESTROY RULE III: KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL YOUR SIGHTS ARE ON THE TARGET RULE IV: BE SURE OF YOUR TARGET RULE I: ALL GUNS ARE ALWAYS LOADED There are no exceptions. Do not pretend that this is true. Some people and organizations take this rule and weaken it;e.g. "Treat all guns as if they were loaded." Unfortunately, the "as if" compromises the directness of the statement by implying that they are unloaded, but we will treat them as though they are loaded. No good! Safety rules must be worded forcefully so that they are never treated lightly or reduced to partial compliance. All guns are always loaded - period! This must be your mind-set. If someone hands you a firearm and says, "Don't worry, it's not loaded," you do not dare believe him. You need not be impolite, but check it yourself. Remember, there are no accidents, only negligent acts. Check it. Do not let yourself fall prey to a situation where you might feel compelled to squeal, "I didn't know it was loaded!" RULE II: NEVER LET THE MUZZLE COVER ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DESTROY Conspicuously and continuously violated, especially with pistols, Rule II applies whether you are involved in range practice, daily carry, or examination. If the weapon is assembled and in someone's hands, it is capable of being discharged. A firearm holstered properly, lying on a table, or placed in a scabbard is of no danger to anyone. Only when handled is there a need for concern. This rule applies to fighting as well as to daily handling. If you are not willing to take a human life, do not cover a person with the muzzle. This rule also applies to your own person. Do not allow the muzzle to cover your extremities, e.g. using both hands to reholster the pistol. This practice is unsound, both procedurally and tactically. You may need a free hand for something important. Proper holster design should provide for one-handed holstering, so avoid holsters which collapse after withdrawing the pistol. (Note: It is dangerous to push the muzzle against the inside edge of the holster nearest the body to "open" it since this results in your pointing the pistol at your midsection.) Dry-practice in the home is a worthwhile habit and it will result in more deeply programmed reflexes. Most of the reflexes involved in the Modern Technique do not require that a shot be fired. Particular procedures for dry-firing in the home will be covered later. Let it suffice for now that you do not dry-fire using a "target" that you wish not to see destroyed. (Recall RULE I as well.) Rule III: KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL YOUR SIGHTS ARE ON THE TARGET Rule III is violated most anytime the uneducated person handles a firearm. Whether on TV, in the theaters, or at the range, people seem fascinated with having their finger on the trigger. Never stand or walk around with your finger on the trigger. It is unprofessional, dangerous, and, perhaps most damaging to the psyche, it is klutzy looking. Never fire a shot unless the sights are superimposed on the target and you have made a conscious decision to fire. Firing an unaligned pistol in a fight gains nothing. If you believe that the defensive pistol is only an intimidation tool - not something to be used - carry blanks, or better yet, reevaluate having one around. If you are going to launch a projectile, it had best be directed purposely. Danger abounds if you allow your finger to dawdle inside the trigger guard. As soon as the sights leave the target, the trigger-finger leaves the trigger and straightens alongside the frame. Since the hand normally prefers to work as a unit - as in grasping - separating the function of the trigger-finger from the rest of the hand takes effort. The five-finger grasp is a deeply programmed reflex. Under sufficient stress, and with the finger already placed on the trigger, an unexpected movement, misstep or surprise could result in a negligent discharge. Speed cannot be gained from such a premature placement of the trigger-finger. Bringing the sights to bear on the target, whether from the holster or the Guard Position, takes more time than that required for moving the trigger finger an inch or so to the trigger. RULE IV: BE SURE OF YOUR TARGET Know what it is, what is in line with it, and what is behind it. Never shoot at anything you have not positively identified. Be aware of your surroundings, whether on the range or in a fight. Do not assume anything. Know what you are doing. SUMMARY: Make these rules a part of your character. Never compromise them. Improper gunhandling results from ignorance and improper role modeling, such as handling your gun like your favorite actor does. Education can cure this. You can make a difference by following these gunhandling rules and insisting that those around you do the same. Set the example. Who knows what tragedies you, or someone you influence, may prevent?
  17. I registered to see the marketplace... and hence bought my pistol
  18. Then register fool "Prefer FTF in/around Chardon and Cleveland. Also lots of ammo over in the ammo section for sale. One magazine and box. Photos coming when I get the batteries charged. Thanks!"
  19. There's a Bersa 380 for sale on OhioCCW for 200 http://ohioccwforums.org/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=34170
  20. Good stuff, I prefer a tshirt, so I'm interested in opinions on that... it would be much easier if I had a summer jacket... or wore cargo pants. What can I say, I like my tshirt and jeans
  21. Ugh no good, there seriously should be larger penalties for negligence in a vehicle... it's a multi-THOUSAND POUND rolling object... imho, mandatory sentences.
  22. How do you guys recommend carrying with a tshirt? Like I said, I have a pocket holster in the mail, but other than that, man it'd be hard!
  23. Just to head off any arguements Since Offense is not specifically defined in the ORC you must revert to the accepted dictionary definition, which in the case of "offense" includes breaking moral or social rules. So YES you COULD be charged, I would doubt that any prosecuting attorney would take it to a grand jury since as JRM mentioned, it's a RIGHT to carry in Ohio, so you are only breaking social rules. Long story short? A right not exercised is a right lost
  24. lol, but my friend did, and she just stared at him singing the song on the radio and dancing... It's the fact the woman SAW us and KNEW she pissed us off but couldn't care less. Given the area we surmised she was probably on crack or PCP.
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