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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. *counts 49 blinks* wait was that 49 ... damnit I better do it again
  2. I believe JRM said he'd check for more info and update us. I imagine this week sometime.
  3. lol, the helmet hair is the best part, I know it's time for a haircut when it takes a solid 45 minutes for my hair to lay flat. We went to BW3 right after you left (pssshaaaaw, need to be around wife!!) and Kevin and Justin mentioned again how much it looked like Nathan and I could be brothers. I just noticed that you look like you're pissing on the busa in that picture you quoted
  4. lol touche. and @Fonz, I didn't have to join her social group to go look at her photobucket album... Too old, too nasty.... and the pictures really don't help the whole "attention whore" theme
  5. Yah, I saw he was 2nd, but it's odd because they have him at -1.5 seconds but he's the only one... the only way that would be possible is if he hadn't finished in the pelaton for most stages. It's confusing... What the fuck is up with this damn Versus network? Who's dick do I need to suck to get cable channels without paying a ton
  6. .... Well this was the quickest turn to unexpected I've ever seen
  7. Hehe they broke at the Dyno, I went to pull one ear out and the wires/base pulled right off the plugs. I've heard of the Koss ones... I may get those, they fit ok in the helmet? They looked a little long... nyuck nyuck
  8. That's a good point... I should have asked if this is the way it has always been.
  9. That raises a good question, do helmet speakers really work at all? I figured with wind noise it'd be inaudible unless you set it way high
  10. It is a well known fact ninjas are excellent swimmers. Also, why does the fight have to be at sea? Pirates come to land plenty! Also
  11. Not only do I guarantee this is a scam, but I will bet you $500 it is. What's your paypal ID, I'll send over $2,000 if I'm right keep the $500 and send the other $1,500 back... kthx
  12. I'd buy it... but I don't want to spend that much for a project (I'd want to chop it and make it custom) The choke problem is most likely solved with some new plugs, someone ran with the choke for too long, fouled the plugs, now the bike needs extra gas and/or air. Do yourself a favor, check the plugs, if needed replace them, then repost with "runs perfect" That is assuming you haven't sold it already
  13. I've never heard of a dirt donk before
  14. I disagree. A zombie is a zombie is a zombie. Yes, zombie > *, but we can't segregate! You don't hear everyone saying this is a "banker zombie" it's just a zombie! So if we're throwing zombies into the mix, it's Zombies > Ninjas > Pirate
  15. roflmao, she left me similar feedback, and messaged me too. Too funny too funny.
  16. Wow, considering most of those lenses cost well over a thousand dollars that is some crazy good prices. Good job nonetheless
  17. Ninjas, because you never know when they're going to kill you. Pirates are bad ass, but you see them coming.
  18. Sorry repost, but hilarious yes
  19. You hate us! We waited 2 hours for you!... jk, but we did wait until you called to tell us no... because IP said you needed a new sprocket, chain, windshield wipers, battery fluid, turn signal oil, tires, swingarm, and that your throttle cable needed lubed we missed you
  20. I think someone said she came to the meet and greet... at least I thought someone said that. Either way, you get the idea
  21. I actually skipped this thread because I assumed it was a cry for attention but now looking back to the first thread, you're right. Welcome bunny, glad you took the MSF, +1 for that
  22. Guys, seriously we got to get this shit under control. The recent influx of attention whoring is out of control. I'm on the same page as most of you, tits or gtfo. But seriously, we can do better. We're not going to stop people from joining and being attention whores, but we can stop reinforcing and supporting them. "Omg HI! I don't have a bike but I totally love guys with motorcycles *roar*. If anyone wants to ride me, oops I mean ride with me... hehehe I'm so embarrassed" Let's do everyone a favor and just not even acknowledge these folks. Let's look at best cases and worst cases. Best Case: You see some tits You get laid You get married Worst Case: No tits No sex You get stabbed You have to ride around with a backpack all day Seriously, as much as I love "amateurs" and love tits, a quick visit to Google can net me the same results, and much less of a nuisance. I'm sure I'll get some negative rep here, but that's fine, I know there's a lot of ladies here that we should respect (been around a while, actually ride, etc) that have said similar things... and I know a few of you guys are tired of this too. So let's take a stance! Let's flirt with the actual lady riders, not the wannabe "backpacks" as Jess put it, and let's get back on the road
  23. It is super thin, but that's the chopper/raked look, I like it, but after yesterday I see what everyone's talking about tires making a difference. Back OnT, I'd let others with better knowledge post here. Fonz has a Honda... or is it a Harley? I dunno, it's black and orange.
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