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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Well, IP's got a great point.... we need training on HOW to fire in high stress situations more than "here's the safety, here's what a bullet looks like" type of crap. Teaching when it's ok to shoot is fine... but if you don't teach HOW to react, how to control yourself and make a good decision... those are equally as important, if not more. We can always research online case history and that too. It's hard to go to a range and pretend you're in a live fire situation. I'll italics out the stuff we can "safely" learn online IMHO, and bold where the real benefits are The class IP posted Cost of the class is $150.00. The student will learn: Firearms Safety Safe handling of firearms & ammunition Safe storage of handguns & ammunition Laws pertaining to Ohio Concealed Carry Laws pertaining to self-defense Handguns & ammunitions types What stress does to your body (Deadly Force Encounter) Mechanics of wounding Proper defensive handgun calibers Mechanics of handgun shooting Handgun maintenance to include storage, oiling & cleaning Compared to the Walton class Lesson One - Ohio Basic CCW Rules, Regulations and Requirements. - 2 hrs. Lesson Two - Pistol Knowledge & Safe Gun Handling - 2 hrs. Lesson Three - Ammunition Knowledge & fundamentals of Pistol Shooting - 2 hrs. Lesson Four - Firing the First Shots - 2 hrs -- Is this in combat or just firing a gun? Lesson Five - Formal Written and Practical Exams, Two-Handed Standing Shooting Position, and Intro. to Pistol we will use on Firing Range. - 2 hrs. I dunno, in regards to the one Drumb posted, even that one seems like they teach more and have better experience. I dunno, now I'm torn
  2. I agree, and IP, you're right and you make a lot of sense. I think you said it before, or someone else did... but, "I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6" That being said, I'm not sure any class is REALLY going to get you a 100% of the experience you need, if one gets us 90% for $500 and one gets us 50% for $75 I think I'd rather take 50% and then do a ton of research on my own (like JRM mentioned) And to my point earlier, if we train with our own gun, is 2 hours really going to make a difference in terms of "I know what I'm doing", nothing is going to get you as close as going to the range for a couple hours every week for a month. Anyway, JRM and I have emailed the Walton place, registered for 8/8-8/9 just need to send money... who else is registered? Please let us know, if I have to sit in a room for 10 hours I'd rather it be with some folks I know.
  3. That's my thought. We all ride up, park, take the ferry over to put-in-bay, rent golf carts or better yet, MOPEDS! And just have a blast..... let's see who can drag knees at 10 mph on a moped :-D Just found this, http://www.millerferry.com/schedules/put-in-bay/ we could take our bikes
  4. I'd be down for Lake Erie.... Put-In-Bay is the shit
  5. Mr. A don't mind Fonz, he sometimes forgets how much harder it is to talk to women than sheep. :-)
  6. Your ability with a weaappon is not a legal defense. Killing someone is killing someone. Unless you shoot 6 times, miss, and heaven forbid kill a bunch of sidestanders the whole "he wasn't trained with that weapon" shouldn't make a difference.
  7. Couple things. 1. Bike not starting after water should be looked at 2. Wet rag and car soap for a base, "rinse" with a small spray bottle 3. CLAY it, will cut down on washes later 4. Use a good wax, I like Meguiars #21 for first coat and then NXT over that 5. Meguiars Final Inspection between washes works amazing imho 6. Bird didn't need a wash, the bugs are extra points
  8. We have MC parking at work, actually lots of it, but it's at the store I usually have to think "where should I park?"
  9. I've shot well over 300 rounds through my 44, probably 1,000 through my 22, I'll just have to practice more after down in the country
  10. I can borrow my parents inflatable kayaks... lol
  11. August 8 and 9 works for me as well I'll get people's information on my side
  12. Yay another cruiser! my vulcan is my daily rider, but I like the minimalistic look Lemme know if you wanna cruise NEO
  13. Depending on timeline I might be in
  14. Parking spot as close as possible, crossed lines, far away spot, sidewalk, other? People get pissed no matter where you park it seems.
  15. I've had someone drifting over while on a cellphone. I honked and she moved back over... as I pulled next to her she didn't even look over... I don't think I'm intimidating enough.
  16. Likwid

    deals gap 8/28

    As awesome as that cabin and the trip looks, there's too much going on in August for me. Maybe next year, but take tons of pictures
  17. JRM your email looks good, I know I'm late on this reply.
  18. Likwid


    I find it ironic that the social group for photography doesn't have an avatar. Perhaps this is intentional
  19. hehe, I asked the same questions in PM lol, great minds
  20. I always have a hard time with panning, only way I can get it sharp is with a tripod and some luck. Really good last picture there, I made some adjustments in PS just to see what happens. Brightened it up just a little, adjusted the curves and brightened it up. I hope you don't mind.
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