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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. I'll help with the asskicking. Goodluck brother, just remember, family doesn't have to be blood.
  2. No problem, I refuse to let perfectly good stuff get thrown out, so I may end up with a bunch... in which case I'm happy to hold onto them until people come nearby.
  3. Assuming weather holds off I'll be down there on Saturday.
  4. We're up north.... Actually, he's in Parma near Tpoppa
  5. Likwid


    fucking hate "first" threads! phurst!
  6. *rimshot* Northeast Ohio
  7. If you want to come up to NEO I'll go with you
  8. LOL, tool whore. You also answered my question of "What jackass has 10 sockets in one size!" lol sorry
  9. Yah that's not an easy journey to make, physically or emotionally. But going "home" even if you don't find anything is a very powerful experience, having a spiritual and/or emotional link to anywhere is something few people really ever experience. Either way you go with this, just know there is no going back to the way it was before...
  10. Not worth the trouble lol, even for $10 Hence why I'm seeing any interest to even give them away
  11. I think the majority are, if there are any metrics it's going to be sparse.
  12. No problems man, jokes are jokes but someone looking for help is looking for help. I wish you the best of luck. As Jbot mentioned, if you have any leads you're definitely better off. But without names and/or addresses, it's going to be impossible to even start your search. Also, try the Red Cross. As much as I fucking hate the organization, they may have some information you can use, especially if they sent in "aid" during the civil war.
  13. So first I thought this was going to end as an internet meme (like "haha roflcopter got you" or something like that) In all seriousness, you have an amazing story and considering how you started, you're a very lucky man. As you said it's going to be very hard, if not impossible to find your family, but if you do, what difference will it make? You have someone to be upset with, or you find out they're dead. I imagine the immigration and naturalization department can help you on your way, El Savador may have a similar department but if they do it's probably not very well documented, especially through different administrations and the civil wars. Be happy with your life, and everything your adopted family has given you (not saying you aren't) but just know what you gain compared to what your expectations are. But just my $.02
  14. My buddy just bought a rolling toolbox and the guy who sold it said to keep the tools in it...Well for some idiotic reason the guys had 10+ of each socket... he's gonna take 2 of each, give me 1 of each and pitch the rest... So if you want one you have to let me know ASAP. I don't know the quality, brand or anything else, I just know they are free, and go all the way from 1" down to tiny... let me know asap, I doubt he's going to throw anything away tonight but you never know
  15. damnit, sold! I would have bought that too! Wouldn't have been able to get it home though.
  16. Do you know what date we need to register by?
  17. Holy crap, That Dude talking about an event and not referring to masturbation and icy hot!
  18. Some companies don't RATE differently for less than a one month lapse... but in the eyes of the law, most of the time that's called uninsured. Cancel rules are filed with the state, so each carrier will be different. Here's the Progressive cancel rules for Ohio Motorcycle. I pulled this from my policy. Unfortunately the 30 days notice is prior to renewal, nonpayment results in a lapse, 2 days or 2 years, it's the same to the state. Additionally... not only is it against the law for anyone to "backdate" a policy I'd be surprised if any of the big insurance companies (including Safe Auto) even allow it in their systems. Not trying to bring you down, just wanted to make sure people were clear on this. Disclaimer: Not an agent, and I don't represent Progressive.
  19. Likwid


    oh shit I forgot.... FUCK YO' COUCH
  20. Likwid


    lol awesome. How surprised he'll be if a male stripper shows up.
  21. yah, I'm going to pass as well, I wouldn't mind riding in the rain, but it's no fun when there's only 20 people there.
  22. Likwid

    Glock 22

    I'll trade you a S&W 22 if you're looking to trade.
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