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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. I'm in for the run as well, going to ride down with JRM
  2. Likwid


    Oh man, Kay's post count got raped after this got moved....
  3. Thoughts and prayers with him. RIP You should NEVER have to read "...survived by his 4 year old son..."
  4. I work from home 3 days a week, my wife takes my pens all the time. In the office I just go to the supply room and grab 2-3 boxes of pens, I leave them EVERYWHERE so I don't bother with anything good.
  5. It was really fun! The instructors would jump on the bikes during breaks and just rip them around the course, 35 mph full lock turns around a cone... was just really funny considering what they had us doing
  6. I'm here, no reply back from my email, I'll give him a call
  7. Where are you? Nowhere near me I imagine.
  8. Likwid


    roflmao There's a mid 40s guy at my office that rides a Burgman 650, no joke, wears full track suit... Everytime I see him I lol
  9. ok, well I'm just going to go on with what I had in my mind ... mmmm
  10. ummmm... how old was the cheerleader? any pictures?
  11. Likwid


    Yes, please move to edumacated... seriously, the attention whoring is badddd mmmkay?
  12. I'm thinking I'll head down Saturday and ride back at night... any of you guys up north? Wanna ride down?
  13. I'm skurred Never worked on a bike before
  14. Just trying to get a sense of reasonable prices. If I had jets needles and all that jazz, how much would you charge to rejet it? Also... is a dyno really needed? I keep debating desnorkeling my intake but intake + pipes = lean and I should probably rejet. Thanks all
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA that's better than 4 nuts 2 wheels.
  16. That would explain starting at 20. Thanks for the answers guys, this has been bugging me and I was curious to know!
  17. Again, awesome first post. Did you register here just to shit on a joke thread?
  18. It's all good bro Anytime you're up here let me know, always love to ride with other cruisers. Plus I can take you to Southeast HD, really cool shop, and really big. They have a freaking diner too, first place I've ever gone to that sold vehicles and food... like I said... brand name premium!
  19. You say "less than lunch" I say "disposable income". Like I said, not hating brother, just the truth. We (consumer based companies) have spent millions researching these brands, studying them, what they did right, what they did wrong, how they got to what they are. I know for a fact Progressive has studied HD, Oprah, and Disney, almost every corporation with a product to sell has. The fact you came here looking for a HD Map just solidifies the point, it means they did EVERYTHING right. Like I said, not hating, just find it incredibly interesting and if I could have done something like it I would be a billionaire.
  20. So do you START in 5th gear and just rev it? (Obviously you can't get to 105 MPH in 1st gear) (it's a cruiser btw, not a super bike) And yes, last chart is with NOS, but looks like 1 gear as you mentioned before, start in high gear, rev it to redline then hit NOS?
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