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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. I personally really like http://www.youparklikeanasshole.com/
  2. That's HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugeeeeeee
  3. Likwid


    Given the quid pro quo benefits You scratch her back she scratches your..... nm
  4. Likwid


    Yah SchmuckGirl how dare you comment before reading through 550 replies!
  5. I thought that at first too, but still, blonde highlights blue eyes more than brown imho. What the hell do I know though...
  6. Blonde, brings out your eyes more.
  7. I locked up my rear tire on a real oily spot yesterday while following a friend in his car, he decided to stop and NOT make me run a red light... Was fun.... ish
  8. holy shit that deer exploded! How is that possible? That defies all laws of physics!
  9. That's correct, as a novice the only restriction is for you and your passenger to wear a helmet for one year. As for the OP's question, no, I didn't follow the rules on my temp... hehe, I rode home from the MSF weekday class (ends at 10:00 PM)
  10. best wishes and hope she feels better soon
  11. seriously no, attack on teh interwebs does not require physical sanctions.... But I'm not against us packet bombing the SHIT out of the source... private company, government, individual person.
  12. Glad you're ok... but 100... sheesh
  13. Good luck brother, ride safe and you'll do fine. Remember there's a maximum points deducted on the figure 8, so don't stress out and drop it (instant fail) just put your feet down and walk it if you have to.
  14. *sigh* "Am I a squid?" If you have to ask, you aren't ready to know.
  15. we're inside... was no wait... there's noone here yet
  16. I'm riding down with a couple friends as well... be there at 615.... look for the squids in tshirts
  17. I'll take a good front end pic and photoshop some halos in.... with different colors too. Will definite need install help, but if I can get it figured out in time we can all do the mod together
  18. well really shouldn't they be called North Americans? or something like that
  19. let me know if you have any idea how I could incorporate them into my bike... I was thinking... one of these... Turn signals, 1 each, but they'll be pretty wide Brake, close together... may work Headlight... rock the cyclops? If so, 1000 I'd be app to ride down and do the mods together
  20. ttt I can't edit the post from my phone, Ol' Springer is out but I have 2 replacements... still over the 5 people we need. Here's what information I need from the folks signing up... what day and time is best for you? We're doing a 1-day class. Also what weapons are you bringing. (so I can ask about rental discounts or can lend one of my pistols) Personally I'd prefer Saturday, Sunday or Friday. Would prefer first weekend in August. Will bring my HiPoint 40 and S&W 22 if they allow 22s.
  21. or.. run without lights or better yet do angel eyes/halos.... I fucking love that look.... I thought about adding 2 running lights JUST to do halos
  22. pretty heartwarming.... still nice to see people showing respect.
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