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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. hoblick used him, and so did another member but I can't remember who.... maybe someone else does
  2. I'll give it a try
  3. Someone will lock it anyway
  4. Well, I need to drop about 50 pounds +/- 20 so I figure what the hell. I prefer the straight forward "here's what you need to eat today and the workout you're going to do" I'm just too lazy to figure it out on my own. We'll see. I give it about 3 days
  5. I've heard.... lol I saw your thread where you said "I'm too lazy so I'm selling it" I figured this was a better thread to ask in
  6. Bump. Hoblick, how'd it work for 30 days?
  7. The New Posts at the top of the page automatically blocks those http://www.ohio-riders.com/search.php?do=getnew&exclude=63,64,77,62,73,61,116
  8. What time do they open up? Not sure I am going to make it up there though
  9. what are the hours? Is there actually any motorcycle stuff left?
  10. you sure have a lot of sponsors for your first track day. That's rather impressive.
  11. Seriously, I'm not sure why we don't have OR tshirts with our name on it... would make it so much easier to identify other members
  12. Sorry I couldn't join ya... next time for realzies
  13. Do what Kosmo does ... use a extra large weight lifting belt. Also... get a real bike
  14. Love it man... and I thought my 40 mile commute a few years ago was bad! Shit when I was at OSU I would drive home 120 miles every weekend and it made me nuts. Rubber down and keep up the pictures.
  15. Man that looks sharp... too bad I can't take this
  16. lol, I remember following a friend after work (him in his car) he stopped at a yellow I was expecting him to go through it... I hit an oil patch and locked the front and back tires.... I skidded for what felt for 100 feet... That was the longest stop ever
  17. Change your underpants, good skillz though
  18. just started raining here... it's about to get reeeaaaaallll ugly lol
  19. I put NOS in my tank and oil lines... it's super amazing, better than seafoam. The spec sheets say it does high 13s... but I doubt I'd be doing that given the *ahem* weight ratio...
  20. +1.... Drag racing = a reason to listen to Justin... Just remember, as soon as you add a turn into the equation you can ignore him. Justin what should I be running on my bike? high 13s? What if I add NOOOOOOOSSSSSSS?
  21. about 3 different people tried to kill me yesterday... I usually never have an issue with other cars... but there must be something about Friday rush hour traffic.... either way, figured out real quick the safest place to be in rush hour is on the shoulder.
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