You know what's amazing? 1,000 bikes, no gear... and guess how many crashes ... 0. Meanwhile 10 of you go for a ride, with gear.... 2 crashes. So by my calculations, if there are 100x more crashes ... well you see where I'm going.
Unfortunately animal cruelty isn't a felony... but if it was, you could break the window & citizen's arrest the guy You get a whole lot more rights when there's a felony going on.
What Swing'R said, don't trade it in, ADD a cruiser to the stable. Also, @Redrocket... I don't scrape floorboards or pegs anymore (now that I changed them)... I scrape kickstand... LOL
Seriously? I thought I had read that noone could open carry in Philly... or maybe it was you had to have a resident permit (I have a PA non-resident permit)