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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. 1000rrrider offered to teach me how to wheelie and he's only charging me $300
  2. This is an easy one for me too... 1999 Neon 2001 Grand Am 2005 Pacifica 2010 Tiguan
  4. But that's only federal income tax, doesn't State and all the other stuff bring it up much higher than those percentages?
  5. I was just estimating... isn't tax rate ~40%? *shrug* I have no idea
  6. I decided not to pay any taxes this year from my paycheck and I just got my tax return and I owe $20,000... I'm so disgusted in this government!!!!!!
  7. lol.. dress codes.... that's funny. I love our business casual "dresscode" at work. I haven't worn dress slacks/khakis in at least 2 years... meanwhile my wife has to wear suits to work sometimes... LOL
  8. Yargh, I was kind of hoping for a much better first response from someone smart enough to notice what I was doing... but alas I got stuck with a re-Tard
  9. This exchange has me filled with rage.. Next time I see you I'm going to ____ your ____ until Casper ____'s my ______
  10. that can't be proven, for all I know my speedometer is miscalculated and I was only going 20
  11. I've never seen a bike go faster than 100 mph, therefore no bike can go faster than 100 mph
  12. if you really got a _____ with it, come see _____, ill be more than _____ to _____ someone's _____ up ______. It doesn't fit.... that's what she said
  13. Ok quick, I need noun verb pronoun emotion verb swearword body part GO!
  14. Go look at the engine take apart thread that was posted here.... Shell Rotella and 100k miles later still had original tool marks....
  15. If it wasn't true why wouldn't he just come right out and say it?
  16. i don't believe owning a fully automatic is illegal as long as it was manufactured before 1988... just selling them without the proper license/tax. Anyway, nice piece Chevy, let's get some farmland and go shooting!
  17. Why do people still scream? Because they can That's great thing about America, anyone can say anything about anyone.
  18. yay! what resolution do you have set? I can recrop it so it fits better. The thing about lightning that intrigues me the most is the path it takes... it's incredible
  19. that obvious eh? lol I was trying to avoid the rain and I caught piece of my house... plus I was at 25mm so.... yah
  20. oh crap that's a good idea! Either way, was a complete guess on shutter speed, I was afraid 1600 was going to be too dark but didn't really have a lot of time.
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