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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6wRkzCW5qI
  2. Insurance companies are legally obligated to cover what is covered in their policy contract and insurance application. (Those are filed with the state of Ohio). You have a right to read the documents before you begin your insurance.... not that it helps everyone, but you need to read it.... THAT'S what will tell you what is covered.
  3. I offer no legal or insurance advice as I am not a licensed agent or a lawyer... but since you have Progressive I'd encourage you to log into your policy, click on Documents, then Policy Contract. You may want to read Page 4, Item 5 subsection (a) and (b). I obtained this information by reviewing my personal policy contract, in case anyone gets all mad
  4. lol, again inaccurate information bud :-\ Not trying to be a dick, but you're giving some really bad advice and misinformation that could cost people in the long run.
  5. I lied about leaving it at that. You are correct, special lines is different than auto is different than life and health. To address the basis for your information, I will tell you in my personal experience agents know very little (if anything) about the underwriting of the product they are selling. And to that extent, MOST people at an insurance company won't know what goes into the underwriting. And to make everyone more paranoid, just because your agent tells you "Oh no, you're covered on the track" REALLY don't take their word for it, read your policy contract.
  6. Your information is inaccurate, and I'll leave it at that.
  7. Just one thing to keep in mind, even if the judge makes it no points your insurance can still see it... Points for violations refer to points on your driving license only. Personal opinion yada yada yada
  8. Wow! I've never had a car over 80k miles.... this is awesome!
  9. Yah that doesn't work http://www.autoblog.com/2007/03/08/mythbusters-fail-to-foil-the-speedcamera/ Also, stop using damn referral links!
  10. fyi there's usually no prosecutor for traffic violations. You get a magistrate who acts as a semi-judge/semi-prosecutor. No harm in fighting it, other than your time and effort.
  11. This is either a cry for attention "I have no way to get them back" or a genuine problem. If it's a genuine problem snap a quick picture of them making out and post it, then we'll help you with the problem... Otherwise you won't get any real advice
  12. I can't go into it and noone would understand even if I did. The wife asked me not to go on this ride... I'll be in for the next one near me though.
  13. Aside from the fact parenting advice on the internet is teh awesomez0rs.... I have to agree with others here, buy him 2 bus tickets though... 1 to anywhere and 1 back. Tell him he's not welcome back until he's learned and ready to accept your help and the advice you give.... but tell him once he's learned he's welcome back. But honestly I have a hard time believing anyone could NOT be happy living with you given your choice in boobs
  14. Threadjack! The reason for declaring party for voting in primaries was to prevent droves of folks voting for a candidate they knew wouldn't win to swing the vote to the incumbent. Next primary all the Dems could vote for the worst Republican candidate knowing they could never win and thus "guarantee" a win for the current president.
  15. There's no option for undeclared or individual? That's how I declared when I registered.
  16. Man, I wish they did what the UK does with the Bus lanes... those big cement/metal pillars that raise up from the ground. When the light turns red pop those up, then watch people trying to run a red light hit dead on with an immovable pole
  17. That looks spot on to me! Just make sure the straps are attached really really tight, heaven forbid he fell off you want to make sure you don't lose him. By thethering him to the bike you can rest easy knowing as soon as you realize and stop he'll be there!
  18. lol chevy. Look up the new video from them, the rube goldberg device one
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