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Everything posted by BiggO

  1. BiggO

    First gun

    Good choice for a first gun. That way if you find out you don't like the glock, you can always sell it for bank, on the streets, to a wantabe gangsta!
  2. BiggO

    walking dead

    I've been wondering around the channels like a zombie, waiting for this to start back up again.
  3. I'll have to read this thread after I watch it. Its on the dvr waiting for me.
  4. I can say from experience that you'll be fine with a Shadow Spirit 750. I'm the same height and I weigh more than you. I've had my 750 for 6 years and love it. I've rode it on long trips to Michigan and down to north Carolina to the dragon, without any issues. I also take the wife with sometimes.
  5. When I was a supervisor for a local pizza chain, I had to fire one of our shift managers over at the shop on Refugee road for stealing. We had put in a hidden camera overnight because the product numbers where too high. We suspected he was selling pizza and pocketing the cash. Found out he giving pizzas to a couple different ladies from the apartment complex, in exchange for sex! Of couse when I let him go, I asked, why didnt you just pay the $5.99 for the pizza? Where else can you buy sex for $5.99!?!
  6. I have a burger steamer from Ted's world famous steamed burgers in Connecticut. They are great!!
  7. Or can anyone tell us where that nerve is located!?!
  8. My wife, sister, and Mom all carry. Have been for a few years now.
  9. They already do tell you what you can and can not do in your car. Example: seat belt laws, or texting while driving.
  10. BiggO


    Didn't he make enough money as head coach, to live comfortably for the rest of his life? He must have blew it all on hookers, blow, and tattoos!
  11. I am all for anything that bans smoking. My parents smoked all the time, and I can not stand it.
  12. I have my desktop hooked to my samsung 32" tv!
  13. Keep looking. Youll understand. Plus a bump fir a hood guy, selling some good stuff.
  14. Good for her! And they say watching too much tv rots your brain. Maybe its watching too much reality tv, rots your brain!
  15. If I had that kind of money to get a handgun, I'd get a 1911! I'll wait till March when the XDS is released.
  16. Same here. Wonder how a family member can get one? My dad passed away in 97, and I would love to have one.
  17. If they had the General Lee, the would have cleared the barn and landed safe on the other side!
  18. Thanks guys. I liked the way it turned out. Doesn't look like a grandpa car anymore!
  19. Bought the car last March, and started collecting some parts to customize it. In August, I decided to pull my side molding, all to find out that there was some bondo. My buddy finally got some free time in his shop after Christmas, so I had him the car. It was silver when we started. I know this is a motorcycle site, but I thought I would share.
  20. Nice! Our regular seats are in section 114 row D, down by the penalty booth.
  21. Why would you return it, when you can sell it for money on armslist.com?
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