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Everything posted by BiggO

  1. Might be able to make it. I'll have to see what the wife has going on that weekend. Would like to shoot my AR. It's been a while!
  2. They make a 110 round 22L drum for my GSG-552
  3. That's the way to decorate the floor in a MAN CAVE!!
  4. One of the best songs of all times! He will be missed.
  5. Have it recorded on the dvr. Don't tell me what happened. I'll watch it tonight.
  6. I knew those big ass fairings made everything look fat!
  7. BiggO

    Zombie Killing

    Absolutely entertaining
  8. Favorite Springfield XD and XDm 1911 Least fav Hi Points Taurus Semi's
  9. BiggO


    If you pull it out every time someone gets smart with you, then you won't have it for long.
  10. Just saw the 870 too! Missed another one.
  11. BiggO


    I'd look good in those tactical shorts.
  12. Heard on the news tonight that there is now a second video from the same office a few years back, acting in a similar manner!!! Now the OFCC is asking that the officer be fired.
  13. Hell when I was planning our trip to Cali a few months back, we planned on flying out from Vegas. But after looking at all the flights, they went from Vegas to Phoenix, then to Columbus. So I redid my search, leaving from Phoenix to Columbus and it saves us almost $200 a ticket. For me and the family, that is 5 tickets,,,6th is a baby so she doesn't count.. The extra day for the rental and a tank of gas was a lot cheaper! Plus we got to see the countryside.
  14. This could have been handled differently anyhow. Get everyone out of the pool and have them go into the dressing room one at a time. Have them put on their clothing and then turn in their swim suits. Then the suits could be inspected to see who did it. btw, did anyone taste test the floaty? Maybe it was just a baby ruth candy bar?
  15. BiggO

    Must sell xd45c

    Guess I don't get the crossbreed. Good sell though.
  16. Who was she?? Never heard of her.
  17. People are just f'd up in the head!! I agree with rollnhot! Maybe a shank to the back!
  18. BiggO

    Must sell xd45c

    Good price with the crossbreed holster! Let me know if you want to sell the holster separately
  19. That cop is a loose cannon and needs to find another line of work before he kills some innocent person
  20. Hell, I would have married her. She is defiantly a keeper!
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