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Everything posted by BiggO

  1. Just goes to show, sometimes what you want, is not what God always wants. Apparently God wanted to explain that to this guy face to face.
  2. BiggO

    My newest 1911

    Same here. That's not a bad set up. Nice 1911 too!
  3. Maybe it has been a while since she has been with a man, so she was hoping there was a good stiff one in the back!
  4. That's what I was thinking. I kept watching it over and over and over
  5. At least the guy that was eliminated, didn't whine about it. In fact he volunteered himself, because he performed bad. I was surprised too! What a bad choice. On the Red team, the two best shooters are Cliff and Gary On the blue team, the two best are Dusty and Mike Did everyone watch the preview for next week??? I can't wait to see it. Mike and Jake get into it! I hope Mike puts Jake in his place, and shuts him up for good!
  6. BiggO

    I made the news!

    I would have been, if it wasn't so far. Good cause!
  7. Wow! Jake is big cry baby!!! Whines like a little girl, and moves outside, all becuase they voted him into the elimination challenge. You won the challenge, you tool! Get over it!!! Hope he and is short pinky finger goes home tonight.
  8. I've got a couple extras I could bring.
  9. Interested in the advanced classes as well.
  10. I'd like to go, but the wifey seems to have my entire weekend already planned out!
  11. Interested in the M6 Light/laser.......what lum is it??
  12. So what are you selling? The plane ticket, the honeymoon, the wife, or something you smuggled in from Mexico?
  13. BiggO

    I'm Engaged!

    Jump on a hand grenade now! Congrats! Been married now for 16 years, and the best advise I give you is: A happy wife, means a happy marriage!
  14. That was my thought! They will all be migrating to Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. We already have enough welfare cases walking around in Michigan clothes!
  15. I've put both tmn and hollow points down my LCP, with no trouble.
  16. A lambo in Akron?? Whatever! No Pics = Never Happened
  17. DSC Panels have a PGM output that can be programmed to active with Away arming. Also, our alarm systems call in an "Opening after Alarm" to let our central station know that it was a false alarm. If we do not get an Opening signal, then we call the location. If someone answers, they are asked for a passcode. If the wrong passcode is given, then we hang up and call up the police. Then we start calling down the call list for the account. Most of the time that is neighbors, relatives, and additional phone numbers for the owner. I've been installing security systems since 97. We take over a lot of ADT systems each year, and unfortunately we have to replace the main control panel and keypads. Anymore they are installing totally wireless junk, and that means we have to do a complete new install.
  18. Count me out. Checked with the wife and we are going to myrtle beach that weekend. I thought it was the weekend before.
  19. File a claim with paypal. They will have all the information on the ebay account. It may take a few weeks, but they can get your money back for you. I bought a radio of a guy in New York from a forum, and it arrived damaged. He had packaged it irresponsibly and paypal found in my favor. I got a full refund.
  20. Your killing me! I'd give a kidney to go to Bristol! I'll buy them if you can find me a babysitter for 4 kids, for the entire weekend.
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