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Everything posted by stargazer

  1. O.K. ,let me know. I was thinking about Thursday or Friday. Friday would be better.
  2. O.K. I'm checking out this Buell insanity right now. I been contemplating buying a new ( to me ) bike, most of my friends are switching to the big twin Harleys. Never owned one but have rode several hundred miles on a couple different Harleys. But, I really wanted a new FJ1300, I love that bike. But the prices on these Buells are great, I'm looking. How much lead time do you need for a vaca. day from work?
  3. stargazer


    Thanks, I been going back and forth for several weeks contemplating my next bike purchase. This situation has significantly complicated my decision.
  4. I been looking around for a Buell out of curiosity. Most of the dealers around here don't have them. Wouldn't want to share that info. would you?
  5. It's a fairly quick ride. Cost $2.00 a piece, saves a bunch of time going across the bridge at Ripley. I dunno on the next one. I'm gettin' windows in the house next weekend. The following weekend, leaving for Az. for a week. Might be it for me for awhile unless I take a half day off work.
  6. stargazer


    It's fake unless he coughs up the Dealer name, in that case, I'm all over it like a cheap dress as my warden..........I mean wife would say.
  7. Nooooo, not really. The real me is on a post under the daily ride. Just put it up. That's 2 rides for me on the good roads..... 0 for you. ( I assume) You gotta get out more.
  8. http://img41.imageshack.us/i/daytonrace001.jpg/ Riding the ferry across the River at Augusta. http://img26.imageshack.us/i/daytonrace003.jpg/ My Buddy Dan. http://img5.imageshack.us/i/101809005.jpg/ My Bike http://img269.imageshack.us/i/101809006.jpg/ Me smiling after a 250 mile ride today. Didn't see too many others out, couple sport bikes a t McDonalds in Cythiana, couple Harleys in Augusta.
  9. Dammit i told her not to put my photo on the internet!
  10. What happened to Darth. His body shrunk.
  11. If it works, me and the wife midmorning, Chimney Top in the smokies, about 30 degrees
  12. A couple years ago in the fall in the Smokies......
  13. Dude, that is about the best thing I've seen posted on this website. What a great ride. Totally sucks about the tip over ( I can relate) What a great story! What was that about 4500 miles? You, are the man.
  14. Yeah, me and a couple friends will be over there this Sunday. Leaving Hillsboro area around 11:30-12, not sure exactly where the ride is planned. I can check and let you know. Where are you planning to ride?
  15. O.K. I'll watch for it. Thanks.
  16. I've rode an XB12R, and the 1125R. Either is a great bike, great brakes and suspension. A buddy had both we traded on rides often. He could never the dealers to order parts and they wouldn't provide service. Hopefully, somebody will pick them back up.
  17. Mink Oil, water resistant, cheap, kind of messy to apply. My favorite thing, Gore Tex boot liners. You can literally stand in water, the boot will be soaked through but your feet will be completely dry. About $30.00-$40.00 if you can find them. Whitehorsegear.com- Choko rain booties, pull over boots, $24.95 Not the greatest looking but work pretty well.
  18. That was a great shot of the drift in the corner. Pretty cool.
  19. Home to Coshocton, ride and back home.That's the round trip I was asking about. Is that 300-350 mile day? Just curious what a good ride day is for you?
  20. I'm not as proficient w/ the comp. as you, but I can show you some good rides in S.Ohio. Coshocton, I'd do that sometime. I got some good rides on the following roads. ( No particular order) SR136, 125, 247, 41, 124, 348, 73 to Portsmouth. 125 through Shawnee, and several others. Good "local" rides no more than an hour and half out of Dayton. Highland, Adams, Pike, Scioto, Eastern Brown County. You're a bit challenged to find a good road close to home that doesn't burn the whole day when you can't spend more than 3-6 hours, hence the reason you've cooked that one loop I guess. Maybe we'll get a warm day yet and can make that trip before the snow flies. How far is it for a round trip for you?
  21. The next hearing is a "Pre-trial" typically a somewhat informal, low-key meet between Prosecution and Defense, usually pretty short in duration. At times, cases are settled at these types of hearings. Often, a case that is serious like this will not be settled at a "Pre-Trial" at least not the first one. She has Rittgers, same guy working on a pretty interesting Murder case in that area.
  22. It's an o.k. town to raise kids in. Not from here, but have lived in the area for a while. ALl good riding is south and or east of here for sure. I know some CM people.
  23. O.K., don't sweat it. I had a good time. "Next Time" is Sunday, if the weather cooperates. You can redeem yourself then if you're free.. I got 2 other buddies going if all goes as planned.
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