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Everything posted by stargazer

  1. (Mighty) "Oak"......Not for why you may think.
  2. You can register it, no emissions check in most of the State. Maybe some of the Cleveland area and Cincy people can verify, but I'm pretty sure they suspended E-check a couple years ago.
  3. Tombstone ( Got a tie for first.)
  4. Good for target practice. Home Protection? In the dark or semi dark with limited rounds down range? Get your self a 12ga. reduced recoil .00 buck with cut down barrel and an extended tube, mount a sure fire on it, your aim becomes less critical. Or, if you're pet friendly and like dogs,pick one. A pit bull or a Rott with it's vocal cords cut. Keep it lean.
  5. stargazer


    Decisions, decisions..... getting closer.
  6. It has to do with your visual reference on the line of horizon. Similar to those guys that race the old P-51 fighter planes out in Nevada sometimes only 100 feet off the ground at 300+ mph. They say when they "look down"rather than focus on the horizon, it causes the loss of reference of the ground to the sky, basically your ability to know up from down. The end result is putting the plane nose first into the ground I am not a pilot of planes, but the principle is the same with bikes and curves.
  7. It wasn't wasn't I was trying to post. The video he is reacting to was sent to me by kid on facebook. Can't get the damn thing loaded. Compared to most peoplew on this site I seem to be Neanderthal..esq when it comes to my lack of techincal proficiency.
  8. That's all well and great. I never did understand what the big deal was about this swine flu?Now I know. Got sick this weekend, got tested for this crap today, get the results tomorrow. The big dealis the flaming casr of pneumonia I got right now and the big ass steroid shot I got in the hip this morning.
  9. OOOOOOOH, putting feet down.... sure sign of riding past your limit. Lesson #1 is for free right here............... DO NOT LOOK DOWN, as in don't look down in a curve, or just slightly ahead in the curve. Rather, look all the way through the curve to what would be called... hmm... the "Point of Possible Perception." Looking down in a curve slows your cornering speed and creates an opportunity for you to lose your line, that is if you ever did select the line
  10. If he wanted to feel like a regular dude, he'd a picked that bitch up and rode off like a "regular dude" Last time I dumped it I'd didn't have body guards on site.
  11. Ouch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3aAWzrakL0
  12. I lied the baseball mud and Oliver Cromwell's, pretty good stuff.
  13. Good deal. I looked at the red one. I like them both. I really thoought I wanted black, but the white is cool.
  14. Ultra thin glove liners at Dick's, underarmour material about $14.00, if you know any EMT's or nurses get a box of the heavier blue surgical gloves, wear them under your leather gloves. Great cold insulation, but you'll get sweaty hands, liners are better.
  15. I'm telling you call Western Reserve. It was worth the drive and they'll treat you good with the best selection left, but.... you won't get the cheapest price either. Also, stick the extra$ out there and get the '09 for the upgrades over the '08. I can list 'em for you if you want.

  16. Hey, I got a question.How many posts or replies or whatever til your PM's are restricted in number? I saw Somebody ( NinjaNick?) say you were restricted I assumed til you lost newb stat.? I PM'ed a guy and couldn't tell if he got it no response. Since then I activated the receipt icon.
  17. stargazer


    jbot, Yeah 140+ at the crank and about 118 at the rear wheel. I'm working on getting a map from a guy that's good for a few extra ponies w/ the stock pipe if you're interested. But, yes, it's a little low if you have a true LUST for HP, but it's more than adequate for what it is designed for or for what I'm using it for.
  18. stargazer


    Well as I didn't take a camera and only got cell phone pics and have no way of downloading it, no pics til I get it picked up, which isn't happening til probably the middle of next week. New windows in my shack this weekend takes precedence over picking up my scoot. For the.25 I'll send you a pic of me on it.....
  19. Welcome. I rode a good bit of N.H last year. Nicer than Ohio on average, at least for riding. But theres some good areas here.
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