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Everything posted by Bhobs

  1. i agree andrews jewelers is a good place for that.
  2. 1) Video Camera 2) little girls dress 3) tri-pod 4) Condoms
  3. interested in both.. would like to see pics of both
  4. we do alot of work for la petite.. on there vehicles we do work for kindercare as well
  5. Bhobs

    302 rebuild?

    scott.. you gonna sell that notch or what??
  6. that is so sad.....i feel sorry for her parents
  7. Bhobs

    a little joke

    if i was refering to ryans penis i would of said BIG
  8. it will be used to hold pool table, and bar.. i have to pick those items up off my grandfather. and maybe a car table or something. i have a small tv i want mounted in the top corner, and ill be laying that checkered tile in the basement as well.. already started lol. il lpm you wiht my budget.
  9. 128mb or greater what you got
  10. Bhobs

    a little joke

    Honey Lifesavers A college professor was doing a study testing the senses of first graders, using a bowl of lifesavers. He gave all the children the same kind of lifesavers, one at a time, and asked them to identify them by color and flavor. The children began to say: "Red............cherry," "Yellow........lemon," "Green...........lime," "Orange.......orange." Finally, the professor gave them all honey lifesavers. After eating them for a few moments, none of the children could identify the taste. "Well," he said, "I'll give you all a clue; It's what your mother may sometimes call your father." One little girl looked up in horror, spit hers out and yelled: "Oh My God!!!! They're assholes!"
  11. http://edition.cnn.com/2005/LAW/11/16/shot.marriage.ap/index.html
  12. big ass frefridgerator... dont knwo the condition if it works or not. it was here when we got the place set of drawers.. crappy shape.. good use for firewood a mirror thing.. that has like draweres beneath it.. its big.. nice for bedroom or whatever. also there is still some wood left in ym basement if ya want it.
  13. dont know him.. ban the fucker
  14. im trying to get my husband to buy these for me for christmas....they are hot
  15. Bhobs


    my husband is going to hump u for that comment
  16. ill probably go.. what is the cover again??
  17. lol i am just trying to keep the peace with the husband
  18. lol yeah we both have nice vehicles..........and alot of nice things just no money left over for like new wheels or food
  19. lol they all live like 3 hours from here.
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