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Everything posted by Bhobs

  1. Bhobs

    Stupid parents

    man i completely feel your pain.....we have like a shit load of stupid kids around our neighborhood also.....one day i came home and had fucking 7 kids on my porch and climbing my tree.....i went off on them and told them to stay the fuck off my property....i bet ill be the target at halloween though it sucks they are loud and annoying and we live by a ton of white trash people to its stupid .
  2. You dont think Mustangs are Hot??.............I love them
  3. I think the best thing to do (in the words of my brother the personal trainer) make sure you are eating small meals throughout the day bc you will easily pack on the pounds if your eating one or 2 big meals a day. Eat more protein before you go to bed bc you will eat less bc protein fills you up faster and is better for you to eat anyways. Try some Turkey bc not only are you getting the protein for dinner it will get you sleepy for the night time. Your probably not sleeping much bc of the pop intake, cut that shit out When me and my family stopped drinking pop we all lost weight like right away. Good luck hope these few things helped. Oh and try and get some from the wifey at nite its proven to help you get up the next day more energized lol
  4. Bhobs

    Pimp her Ride

    so i wonder if they have those babies in red lol
  5. Bhobs

    Free :)

    chad you have been moving out since last year.....if your for serious we will keep her till then by the way she likes to hump so you two will get along great but shes not as bad as Buster lol
  6. Bhobs

    Dream job

    Chad I knew you would say those exact words to this thread......expecially the dirty part .....we miss u chad.
  7. Bhobs

    Free :)

    her name is Shelby she is 7 months old. We got her off anthony on CR bc we thought we could have another dog. We already have 2 and its just to much. She is completely house trained. She is a very cuddly dog. If anyone is interesed call Bettina 256-3406 or Ryan 256-3407. she will also come with a free cage and she is great with other animals. http://images6.theimagehosting.com/shelby.b2b.JPG
  8. hey i drive a v6 mustang and i think its hot........so what if its not a standard...what is with guys obsessed with stick
  9. hell i would of sold that shit like 3 months ago. if she has enough money for weed she should of tried to at least set some type of payment plan up with you since u were nice enough to let her borrow the money. in my opinion it seems like there hasnt been much of an effort on her part sell it all
  10. Bhobs

    Local taxes

    well when i lived in westerville and worked in pickerington i was paying both taxes and they realized that they messed up and i got money back that i had payed in bc they were charging me both even after i worked and lived in pickerington.....it sucks either way
  11. make sure you take a lot of vitamins bc your immune system is shot to hell right now and could use the boost.....trust me it helps alot (B12, calcium, magnesium)and maybe a multivitamin.
  12. congrats on buying a house its a great investment
  13. just wondering where the cheapest place to work out in Hilliard is? Me and my hubby just bought a house in Hilliard and im not farmiliar with the area at all. I dont have a lot of money to waste on a gym membership so i was wondering if anybody knows a good place.
  14. i would like to come and check it out......pm me or my hubby with directions and we can figure out a good time thanks
  15. just looking for a decent tredmill that i can run on....and also some free weights to work out at home when i have no time to get to the gym......5,8,10,12 lbs
  16. no chad we sold it for $100.00 i just didnt have the room so i sold it cheap sorry....remember i did call u first last nite.
  17. Bhobs

    Tatto shop??

    definately LIQUID VISION on livingston.....our good friend Joe is the owner . he is a great artist...me and my husband have got like 4 tatoos from him and i would never go to anyone else....if u go there tell joe that Bettina and Ryan sent you and he will probably give u a good deal.... good luck oh and the number is 759-6995
  18. anyone want the black table ill sell for $150.00
  19. it just says panasonic mini dv and 700x digital zoom
  20. um hun beer+chainsaw+you =no limbs that scares me a little
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