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Everything posted by Bhobs

  1. chad only you would know a tramp like that........not a suprise to me
  2. yes those are some dirty hoes..........oh and Sam was that you beating off in the corner....or were u the video guy lol
  3. um that was kind of funny but im pretty sure that girl was faking it lol
  4. thats funny the same thing happened to me with my first car........i had two of those little devils so i put decon in my ride and killed the little bastards and yes revenge was quite nice
  5. Bhobs

    my past bikes

    no i had it for like a month and attempted to learn how to ride it but i realized i would much rather be holding on to Ryan on the back of his. i was kindof scared of it....but the good thing is i sold it for double what i bought it for
  6. yeah i got the damn virus to.....i knew i shouldnt of clicked on it
  7. we have 2 goldens.....i would love to have another but they are to much work and both of mine have been so expensive
  8. Bhobs

    my past bikes

    Chad actually wednesday is ok for me bc i dont work on thursdays so u can play all the fucking darts u wanna play and yes we have a shitload of that crappy beer and it has ur name written all over it.....eww if its not killians then we wont drink it ....oh and Ry wont be home until like 3 in the morning so u can call him about hanging out.
  9. um chad we have been trying to tell you that since we met you.
  10. ill get a hold of u this weekend and maybe me and the hubby can come pick it up. thanks
  11. wanna see pics of the bookshelf
  12. i totally agree when i was single i got tested like 3 times in the year and a half...its really important. When i first got with my husband thats one of the first things i asked before we had sex to make sure it was safe. now days u never know.
  13. i have been with state farm for 8 years and i tried allstate and they didnt give me a good quote then i went to farmers insurance and it was the best quote i have gotten so far.
  14. mine is the same every year and its always to lose a little weight and go back to the gym....it always lasts like a month and then i get lazy
  15. Bhobs

    My boy

    i bet he could totally kick your dogs ass cute by the way.
  16. marietta with the hubby gettin drunk and being naughty
  17. oh my im scared to know
  18. Bettina Consecrated to God : Hebrew Blessed one : Latin You are a visionary with courage and enthusiasm if a little hasty at times. Your ambitious nature can be satisfied when you apply wisdom, patience and self-discipline to your vitality and zest. You have wonderful way with words and may be drawn to the communications arena where there is the potential for great success. Your generous and warm nature attracts many friends and loved ones.
  19. http://www.bostonuk.com/index.cfm?id=572
  20. its 9:22 and im pissed that im already awake bc im fucking hungover from last nite oh and chad did i talk to you last nite?
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