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Everything posted by Bhobs

  1. well im looking for something a little cheaper bc i could go to the store and buy a new one but i dont have the money for that right now but thanks anyways
  2. ok so my phone sucks big time. the battery doesn't even last all day..well the husband says I talk to much so if anyone is selling a nextel let me know as long as it can handle my usage and its in good shape then i want it.
  3. pic http://images6.theimagehosting.com/wheels.50f.JPG
  4. Bhobs


    no problem i just hate to throw it away....we will be around all day.....have a few errands to run but not doing much.....ry-256-3407 B-256-3406...give one of us a ring...
  5. Bhobs


    just wondering if anybody wants this bc i hate to just trash it bc its pretty nice....please let me know soon if not im ganna toss it out.
  6. guys beware if u date a girl that wears a shit ton of makeup whats underneath will scare you.....I dont know why girls wear that much shit on their faces it just makes it worse.
  7. Brit used to be a hottie now she is trashy.....her hubby is grose....wtf is she thinking.
  8. I love American History X....good choice on pics
  9. Bhobs

    FS Cheap

    u still want the desk......let me know today bc we are getting our desk tomorrow and we need to get this thing out of the room thanks
  10. Bhobs


    who ever come gets it today or tonite its theirs We cant do it monday nite me and my husband will both be working but we will both be home all day today.
  11. Bhobs


    We need to get rid of this thing we dont need it. Its free to whomever wants to come get it 256-3406, or 256-3407 http://images6.theimagehosting.com/stand.635.JPG
  12. My good friend is looking to get another dog she has 3 already but she just moved into a huge house and wants another one if anybody knows anyone who has one they are trying to get rid of let me know thanks
  13. kid looked like he had a fucking seizure at the end
  14. yeah it really is lol thanks for all the weird advice though.
  15. interested as well.. i live in hilliard
  16. clear title??... whats the milage?? any pics??
  17. haha that is some funny shit.
  18. So i didnt have clorox but i scratched it and then used alcohol on it and it burned like a bitch then i threw salt over that.......hope that does the trick....thanks guys for the info ill try clorox tomorrow .....oh and i dont have health ins. bc its fucking expensive and i just bought a house and that takes all my money ontop of all the other expenses.
  19. Ok so I have poison ivy and cant seem to get rid of it....I cant go to the docs bc no health ins. I was just wondering if anyone had pregnezone (dont know how to spell) its a pill for all types of poison ivy , or oak. Its making me crazy if someone has anything please let me know
  20. Bhobs

    For Sale

    tredmil still for sale
  21. Bhobs

    For Sale

    ill talk to ryan and see if he wants to deliver it tomorrow give me your # and i will get a hold of u tomorrow.........mine is 256-3406 thanks
  22. Bhobs

    For Sale

    tredmil sold $50 for the rest of the stuff
  23. Bhobs

    For Sale

    ok we need to get this stuff out of our house asap so someone make me an offer......$300 for all of this OBO. http://images6.theimagehosting.com/pic1.cf8.JPG http://images6.theimagehosting.com/pic2.c3a.JPG http://images6.theimagehosting.com/pic3.8a3.JPG http://images6.theimagehosting.com/pic4.273.JPG http://images6.theimagehosting.com/pic5.59e.JPG
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