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Everything posted by buildit

  1. On a serious note, do you have someplace where she can practice other than up and down a street with cars all over it?
  2. What cOoTeR said. Plus, wait till you get the bike as you may find you need new grips, turn signals, tires or want to do an oil change. The discount area is to the right after you come thru the door and will be overwhelming. You might be best to post up when you plan to visit and meet up with someone who knows the store. I may even be able to be there myself with enough forewarning.
  3. I can do internet schooling.... Lesson 1. Park the Shadow on a flat part of the yard. Now push it over so it falls on it's side. Pick it back up and place it on the kick stand and do it again. Let me know when this is mastered for lesson 2.
  4. Let us know how that works out for you. Curious minds wanna know.
  5. You should have argued with him more about it. He surely would have told you he was the cum gargling champion or some such BS sooner or later. I mean he knew "EVERYTHING"! Okay, now back to hookers and blow.
  6. Would you people stop with the "big" words. My degree is from OSU dam it!
  7. Would that make him a tear jerker?
  8. I like hot sauce on my chicken strips. Yummm, knoby Chicken Strips
  9. You need a hug there big guy?
  10. Oh, yeah. I knew that. Did a search on Emo chick and this came up http://i672.photobucket.com/albums/vv82/lembelkf/1%20Koo%20on%20the%2015thJun%20-%2018thJun%20-%205th%20August%202009/6%20Osprey%20mother%20and%20her%20three%20chicks%20in%20Hailuoto/19-30-emo-seisoi-Koon-edess-K-makaa.jpg
  11. Emo, isn't that a sesame street character who likes being tickled?
  12. No, it just means you don't live in Western Ohio. Well that or you are that guy who rides around the clover leaf at I70 and I75 all day.
  13. Just banned? In some forums that will get your head installed up your exhaust pipe for you.
  14. All mine sucked today and I'm to tired to look.
  15. Overall, even after today I'm -60 for the game.
  16. I solved my FB issues by using an alias for my name, age and location. Only friends can identify me from the photo. Makes it easy to identify the FB spam too.
  17. FB is still sinking but at least JPM is up last I looked. FTR is flatlined at $3.52.
  18. Anyone catch the dire prediction on NBR tonight. Not too often both market analysts agree the markets are heading towards world failure.
  19. AMA takes care of that if you get a three year membership. Good for the car or bike.
  20. $1700 down. Both FB and JPM continued to suck the air from the room.
  21. So it's just like Ohio Riders for you?
  22. That's what I'm waiting for. FB is still sucking. I am pretty shocked at 2/3 the ipo price I figured some one like google would start buying it up for a hostile take over.
  23. If all your friends hate you don't they call them enemies?
  24. Copied from MarketWatch Databased News WASHINGTON (MarketWatch)
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