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Everything posted by buildit

  1. I have the official training video here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOrgLj9lOwk&list=UUJUbatjbaxh37BVyRMsM2yg&index=5&feature=plcp
  2. Then let me suggest this. Our government is a mass cluster because the people voting for them have a higher number of morons than intelligent people in the ratio. Not to mention the control that media has over those idiots to influence their decisions. Lets face it the USA has become Survivor the political series.
  3. Or one swing of a sword taking off your head? Guns just let you cause harm from further away. I can kill someone with a shoe string, but I have yet to receive government shoe lace 101 "Safety for your sole"
  4. Then why are the idiots in power in our government?
  5. Actually lots of people survive gun shots now a days. Look at the shootings in Columbus vs number that are fatal. Just like a knife wound and how big a knife... it still depends on where you are wounded, amount of damage and time before treatment / first aid begins. “From 1993 through 2000, … 22,661 children [aged 14 and younger ] were treated in hospital emergency rooms in the United States for nonfatal injuries caused by a firearm. … During that same period, 5,542 children died of gunshot wounds.”
  6. Hey, you opened you pie hole before you knew all the facts. I have a blue belt in Kum Do too but I have yet to cut myself with a sword either.
  7. Amazing. Aren't you the guy who came on here saying he had no time for MSF and not to worry because you're a big boy so your little fall was no big deal? Now safety is everything? You really are a master baiter. You bait hooks so fast you forget the other lines you left in the water. Let's end this all right here. Guns are dangerous, people with common sense are few and far between. The guns and idiots seem to end up together way too often. If we can't outlaw idiots then there is no chance we will ever be able to keep idiots from getting guns. Because idiots have great disguises and look just like you and me.
  8. No it's true, I'm just not a careless fuck like you. The knife in my pocket has never cut or stabbed me (it's true). That's not to say I have never cut myself with a knife, just not the one in my pocket. Now please had over your knife till you have taken my "I won't pull my pocket knife out and stab myself class". Costs $75, lasts 8 hours and provides information from how knives are made and what end to hold so you can proficiently use it when a hair splitting emergency arrises.
  9. How about if they require a note from your mom? The sad fact is that anyone can carry a gun concealed and you don't even need a CCW. Just don't get caught. Criminals do it all the time. I carried a knife all the time since 7th grade and managed to never pull it out, stab myself or anyone else.
  10. Glad you made it. I find myself wishing I had borrowed your KLR to check out the rest of that closed road. Maybe later this summer I'll return to Pike and explore it on the 950 or KLR when it's repaired.
  11. A DL1000, DL650, GS800 and KLR650 out riding thru some areas of Southern Ohio I had not been thru yet. We found washed out roads, bikes hogging the road, awsome gravel roads, and some really fun twisties. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4O6N1z_fQY
  12. Yeah, Swing has a silver Dl1000. But he's a DS rider, we ALWAYS wear gear!
  13. Swing, Saw this on ADV and glad you're okay. So now we add dogs to the same list as deer?
  14. You said you wanted to stay under $300. The 20 + topo map is just under $300.
  15. Then you'll probably have issues with any device as even the best GPS requires a clear view of the southern sky. I think this is your best bet at $200--> http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Garmin+-+eTrex+20+GPS/3130269.p;jsessionid=FF98F24454FA81F1F820E916B902BC54.bbolsp-app01-03?id=1218379521902&skuId=3130269 and probably this map at $90 http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Garmin+-+TOPO+U.S.+24K+South+Central+DVD/9487343.p?id=1218112982048&skuId=9487343
  16. Etrex are very accurate but recently I've seen lots of people using smart phones gps apps and such with great accuracy. So might wanna check that option too if you have the phone for it already.
  17. I'm only impressed when they go 205.
  18. All the chicks like looking at the rockets out front. So big and strong and erect! Last time I was there I really liked the SR71 blackbird. Talk about something that looks the part of a FAST vehicle.
  19. State Troopers are just mad because they didn't have a chance to use their "souped" up Mustangs to try and chase him down. Oh, sure, you didn't know? NOS is the official NASCAR stuff that all the pros use. You should stock up before the government outlaws it.
  20. This is for Adventure and Dual Sport riders with street legal bikes! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c38tNI-5wuw Hanging Rock 200 is coming at Zaleski State Park. There is a Dual Sport and an Adventure style ride on Saturday followed by events at the Zaleski Fire Station like Husky test rides! This event directly supports the operation and funding fro the fire station there.
  21. Meet up at 9am at I-71 and rt 56, there's a gas station on the East side of the bridge over I-71. From there heading South from Mt Sterling towards Washington Courthouse, but well go around town on some back roads down to 41, then on towards BainBridge. From there it's of into the great unknown till we reach Tar Hollow where it will be some fun roads back to Columbus and then home.
  22. Sounds like a new saying is born.......... Loud pipes kill people
  23. 250+ mile adventure ride Sunday. Anyone wanna go? Will detail where and when to meet up depending on who wants to go play. I'll be on the strom so nothing much worse than gravel. Basically heading south into some back roads I wanna check out and some fun stuff around it.
  24. In a situation like that you do what makes sense. If you can safely accelerate away from someone like that, do it. If you need to slow down and force them to move on, you do that. I am not big on lane splitting, but I'll be damed If I'm going to sit boxed in by idiots who all want to jockey for position till they run into each other or ME. I am also not against doing 55 mph in the right lane to force them to go left and pass me. These situations would not exist if they followed the 5 simple rules.
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