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Everything posted by buildit

  1. No clue. I figure we'll drive around till someone decides which McDonnalds we're eating at. I don't know Bellfountain that well. From Bellfountain we will be heading down to Storms creek in Springfield and around the Dam. Only one gravel road the whole way and you can go around and meet us at Kiser park.
  2. Meet up at 10:30 Speedway gas station on rt54 and I-70 in South Vienna. Planning a route to Bellfountain for lunch then back to Springfield. It will be mostly paved roads, chip and seal roads, some twists and as much gravel as I can throw into the ride. So far it will be a V-strom, GS1200 and two tenere s-10's.
  3. What the hell do you do in something like that? If you get out of the car your gonna get crushed, stay in the car and you'll just leave a nice corpse.
  4. Sorry, but the page you are trying to view does not exist.
  5. If you don't win I would be surprised.
  6. True dat. I'd just ride that to the Columbus Zoo and park at the main entrance with a for sale sign. Better yet the Wilds personal Safari vehicle.
  7. Don't worry NObama will fix it tonight.
  8. General FYI, no ride this weekend the 11th, I'll hope for the weekend of the 17th.
  9. Thanks. If you just wanna have lots of riders, that's easy. Go explore, find the cool roads and put together a nice route and invite people. If it's good word will spread and you'll have them lining up.
  10. Yep, that was the place. Makes the dragon seem reasonably safe.
  11. This is horrible. I can only have nightmares about how they must feel. So without trying to sound insensitive can I add a little perspective? Today it is a far less common occurance to lose a child like this but only 60 years ago it was still very common. I learned about this by visiting several cemeteries in southern Ohio. I was amazed by the numbers of infant graves. It wasn't till later I learned that infant mortality 60 years ago was almost 20%! Maybe higher because often lost pregnancies were not reported in poorer areas. So I hope that they find, I guess, a level of assurance that this isn't an isolated thing. I am actually surprised by the number of people here with first hand experience. I guess you just don't realize how often it can happen when so many seem to have pregnancies with few issues and happy bouncing babies. I'm sure they will check with the Dr several times but if and when they are ready I hope they experience a full term delivery and the joy of a new life made of their love.
  12. That obviously isn't the USA so it is possible there is no speed limit where the video was shot. However, if you go racing between cars on busy two lane roads playing GTO superbike rider, sooner or later your luck will run out. I saw a whole bunch of you tube video shot from one corner in what looked like California where riders were crashing like angry birds. Maybe it's age, maybe I'm wiser, or just lost interest but I've decided there are better ways to challenge yourself on a bike than to see how far you can push it and come back alive.
  13. I've worked on doing that for four years now. It is almost impossible to do any sort of good ride video with just one camera and one camera man. I've determined to do it right requires three things: 1. A team of people doing video, some stationary some mobile. 2. A willing and patient group who is able to accept periods of waiting for equipment to be set up to either get the best shot or reload batteries and video recording media as needed. 3. Good equipment. That can mean front and rear mounted cameras with vibration isolators and audio recordings that allow for on the fly comments while riding. In the end I've decided the $100,000 in equipment and bribes to accumulate all this is worthless unless you have something epic to show or discuss. So I just shoot what I can, slap it together and throw it up on you tube. I've yet to have one of those 100,000 views videos but six have over 1,000 views. So at least someone is interested or at the most curious about this ADVfilmer guy.
  14. Might I suggest some of the following bikes, even though they are not sport bikes. V-strom DL1000 , Yamaha Tenere S-10 , BMW GS1200 and Concourse. Three of which are not top speed bikes but offer good torque, excellent handling in less than idea conditions and make for good touring bikes due to their suspension which allows for added luggage compared to most sport bikes.
  15. Your not getting the point, better watch this one too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pN6wICj2JdU Now read my post above again, "Gear and SAFETY.";)
  16. No, everyone should see this. Especially those who feel like gear and safety are just for kids or beginners.
  17. Nothing for street legal bikes but state ORV sticker for everthing not plated. WNF requires a Fed ORV sticker weather your on a street legal bike or not. Richland furnace SP ORV area also has some trails. But most people who have dual sport bikes prefer not having to compete with ATV's for trail use. Thankfully SE Ohio has lots of unmaintained roads and trails.
  18. Had the first TTH ride today and had a great time. We had a good group of riders and made excellent time. We lucked out and beat the rain getting back to the trucks. I look forward to getting the next ride set up. Here's a little video from todays ride http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNbAyNKPC8w
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