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Everything posted by buildit

  1. buildit


    No, I hit a raccoon on the Strom doing about 50mph. It busted a perfect hole in the plastic engine guard and shattered the rest. Engine was unharmed, raccoon did the drunk sailer walk off the road and I rode on home. Later I made a stainless Steel engine guard to replace the plastic thing.
  2. Looks like a basement work shop with the stove in the corner. That floor is way too clean, or it's got new motor oil all over it.
  3. I don't know what it is now but in 05' mine was on a computer in Hillard and it had a lot of stuff to do with alcohol and drug fines and points at different levels. Once I actually studied that section I passed easy. Even the riding test was cake and I scored 100%, but I soon learned how low the examiners expectations were when a guy on an Indian went off the course and still passed. I didn't say anything but isn't that supposed to be immediate failure? I put it down as the examiner must have gotten a nooner since he was late getting back from lunch and was in a good mood.
  4. I had a lot of if you drank three beers and had a .016BAC what would the fine be questions. I also think it is less than 10 you have to get wrong. Either way two days later I got 100% by studying the alcohol and drug info.
  5. I did fail my MC written test the first time because I didn't know who the director of highway safety was and the punishments for drugs and alcohol. I don't use either so I didn't study that.
  6. I see what you did there, making the media responsible for public law and public perception.
  7. If you put ice in your Mtn Dew you're drinking water, right?
  8. Hey! This is a family motorcycle forum, not craigs list personal adds! Hope you can find some work, it really sucks out there and it's unlikely to get any better for a long time.
  9. I've never been in a car accident while riding my motorcycle and I've never received a speeding ticket while riding off road.
  10. One unemployed person to another, I'd still rather watch the mongoose and snakes.
  11. I'd rather watch the mongoose and snakes. Their shit stinks less.
  12. The funny part was when they interviewed the old boyfriend, he wants to get back together with her but just to ask her what happened. Anyone hear banjos playing in the court room?
  13. I'm waiting for someone to ask about you watching their infant children, Mongoose and Snake collection.
  14. Yeah, all the females were saying the poll can't be right. It's like government testing, just keep redoing it till you get the answer you like. Like I put in the shout box, 27% of women drivers! It was on the news so you know it's true.
  15. I know Suzuki makes good motorcycles, sorry about the quad. Might wanna check out Thumper Talk for advice on that.
  16. Dam, can't they just return the roads to dirt paths? That pavement wears the knobies off my tires to fast.
  17. They can be if your just cleaning them but proper adjustment on some carbs can be a bit of a black art. I do recommend everyone who rides further than 20 miles from home have tools and know how to change/ repair a tire, bump start an electric start bike, and splice an electrical wire. Best practice is to do maintance and repairs using the tools you have on the bike. You'll learn what tools you lack and what it takes to do the repairs if you're out on the road.
  18. I stopped taking my bikes to a shop for repairs years ago for many reasons. I do a lot of my own maintances and tires and when I can't hack it I have friends who are always willing to help. If you take a bike to a shop it is good to know the person at the shop you are dealing with.
  19. This is why I only own Dual sport vehicles. Much of the SE ohio areas are not interconnected and require a street legal and plated vehicle. So technically unless you own the land or are interconnected to land quads are NOT legal on these trails since they are unmaintained roads the rules of the road apply. Very true John. So it is up to us to report abusers and trespassers.
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