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Everything posted by buildit

  1. Well, I'm 41. Done mostly off road riding but I've got plenty on road too. The one time I went down on road I was in full off road gear. I low sided, leg trapped under the bike till it caught and shot out under me ripping the ligaments in my ankle and breaking my fibula just above the boot. Externally I had a lightly skinned knee you could cover with a band aid. Imagine if I'd skidded along without that protection. Too many friends with worse experiences and I've seen off road accidents that all you can think is call a medic. Gear saved them or at least gave them a fighting chance. Like Pfloyd said, it gets under your skin because you know better and can't understand why they don't. All we can do is try to make it seem like an acceptable norm to be in full gear and not a inconvenience to ruin the fun. Unfortunately I see too many older riders on cruisers doing the same thing your young friend was. So there is proof age doesn't always bring wisdom. I'll share some photos I took of a friend who went down on a rock covered trail. After rolling down the hill and the bike nearly landing on him he was otherwise unharmed. Shook up, but physically okay and rode the rest of the day. The gear saved his butt. I wear it all the time and so do the people I ride with. I have CPR and first aid training that I'd rather see go to waste than have lots of people to practice on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xIlME6q-kE
  2. We passed the sustainable carrying capacity of the earth a while ago in my opinion. Besides it's not like human life is endangered or anything. We could stand for a good uncontrolled plague or world wide famine to lower the population a few billion. I know I'm a bit low on warm fuzzies these days.
  3. Maybe it's time for you to check out some off road gear.
  4. I'd almost lay money on a clogged jet in the carb. Simply because it was the same issue with my 426 this summer. Granted the bike sat for over a year but after cleaning things up, one kick set it afire and life roared back into her.
  5. Nice presentation. I'd suggest getting a normal optical lens as the fish eye lens distorts distant objects. Other than that the aim and clarity looked real good. Which is hard to get in video on you tube. Question: Did you use the ken burns effect in the video or have someone to aim the camera in some of the shots?
  6. You have a serious case of dick envy if it takes something like this to outdo this guy. But here you go... http://youtu.be/x4HnLzF1Ra8
  7. That area of 35 is a mad house weather your on a bike or in a Semi truck. I work hard to avoid those sorts of areas even if i go several miles out of my way. However, anyone who's put some miles on a bike has had similar situations. It is best to stay behind a person like that because it gives you an out if they escalate the situation. To date I've never had to punch or kick a car but I've sure wanted to several times. Makes me wanna wear my helmet cam all the time I ride so I can report their actions with proof to the police. I believe road rage is a serious offense anywhere in the US and can result in loss of license. Punching a mirror doesn't get them off the road.
  8. New Rome was annexed into Columbus, maybe their ideas were too?
  9. try posting on ADVriders Ohio forum, there are several guys with DL650s there.
  10. Another move by Cowlumbus to discourage people form living, working or visiting there.
  11. Oh well, I use 670 most of the time. If it gets real bad I'll just stay on I270 all the way around to get to IP.
  12. That's where I got my mono scope for about $190.
  13. Ever had to follow a funeral precession for more than 3 miles?
  14. buildit

    talking dog

    I was afraid of that.
  15. Now if you were smart you'd have a injury lawyer pay you to do it. Think of all the cases you could bring him with video evidence for the trial.
  16. buildit

    talking dog

    too funny, just hope it's not 205. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGeKSiCQkPw
  17. What the hell, even more. ATV FAILs! http://youtu.be/7mw8YI5r_Xs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXpwj1YeyV4 I gotta stop watching these, I actually felt bad for this guy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZxCSJ-FHQo
  18. Okay, more real fails. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmaVlJmHgGc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV6OW1vfuGc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3jVdyHr5Eo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXvnPjayxPU
  19. I just think that a woman who rides a dirt bike period is that much hotter, simply because. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdHVGrpv_Fk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=390HGfpCYsA [ame] [/ame]
  20. Anyone can do it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0jqb8dlxzk There even easy to unload http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mnvm5HTprCg
  21. This is more my speed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XW39tif2xw
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_j7CVgeTo0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-5qgbVU1c4&feature=related Success! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=calldHmj8EY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8vggli15no&feature=related
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